Took a while since the last update . . . shame on me! Due summerholiday in July and a lot of work at my own company there was no time left to work on Lefty.
A few weeks ago I’ve started with checking and 'refreshing' the rear brakedrums. After opening it, it realy don’t look bad at all.
Looks a little sad without his wheels . . .
Both brake backplates had a little surface rust, but nothing bad. So cleaned them and sprayed them black again. Replaced cilinders, returning springs, adjusters and brake shoes, so it has to be ok now
Gave the adjustable springplates a few splines to have a little impression of the stance. There’s still no gearbox and engine in it . . . so it will be a little lower after installing them I guess ☺
Also installed the Gabriel airshocks. Mycha (" onclick=";return false

has figured out how they could be installed the best way. With that good advice I’ve done some preparations at the (top) assembly point of the shock (long time ago, before spraying the whole underside of the bus). Installing of the airshocks was easy, they fit really nice! Sorry . . . made no pictures of the ‘cleaned’ brakes and airshocks (will do).
This week Lefty was back on his wheels. Next thing was sorting out the airride electricity. Mycha helped me out, again, with a wire diagram so finally installed the relais and compressor. Did some little testing at 130 psi. The system need some adjustment but first ‘clean’ up all the wires and hoses, install the new switches and then we take a look again.
Next week installing the new switches!