879 mile French Adventure!

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
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Thought I'd post a few piccys from my recent trip to France & back in mutley, my 69 deluxe!

We did'nt have the best of starts at 4am on the Thursday morning. Perhaps a little adventurous as it was absolutely throwing it down and pitch black! Mutley fired up perfectly on the drive that morning. A miserable morning so, on with the windscreen wipers and headlights.. Off we set and onto the M40, I noticed a few little blips for the first few miles I hadn't noticed before, but chose to ignore them and put it down to the crap weather.. The rain was so bad my windscreen wiper folded in on itself so I pulled over and flipped it back, sat back in the drivers seat to crack on then.......... Nothing... EEK! Everything went dead, engine cut out, lights off, no ignition lights, nothing!

I think this picture sums up how I felt... Not exactly looking my best gents :lol: The funniest thing was this wasn't an intentional shot, it was me faffing trying to get my iPhone torch app working!


Needless to say in pitch black my only option was to call the breakdown! An hour later he arrived.. There was no chance he was going to even attempt to fix me at the side of the road. It was throwing it down and freezing. So the inevitable happened..



I only had a one destination tow so where else would one get towed to at 0530 in the morning.. Midland Earlybay.. Graham L, HELP!!


Off I rolled and waited until my knights in shining armour turned up for work.. Whilst waiting I fiddled with the fuses and found this...


A melted main fuse (far right).. When Dave checked it it was obvious it was getting VERY hot. A bit of jiggery rewiring, 15 minutes and literally we were off again. With our fingers and toes crossed we could make the next ferry! Theres absolutely no doubt without MEB we wouldnt have made it, big thank you's!! Weather didn't get any better..


With only three hours behind schedule we made it to our campsite in pierrefonds.. Lovely place and ideal for the cycling holiday we had planned around the forests.. Only €12 a night which I didn't think was too bad.. Here's a few piccys of the campsite anyway..




We even made it into Paris one day..


Pierrefonds was a lovely little village, the Chateau was used in the filming of the recent movie Merlin apparently! Worth a look and the kids love it!




All in all we covered 879 miles with one small (could have been a show stopper) wiring issue. The rest of the journey went faultlessly. It's the longest we've done so far in the van and I'm chuffed to bits we made it.. An awesome adventure and looking forward to next year!!
Cracking! Looks like a stunning place to visit

How was driving a bus in Paris? I've always been told to avoid that city unless I want to turn my van in to a proper ratter :lol:
excellent ........looks like a great trip hope its the first of many for you

12 euros a night ill have to remember that site ooooooofff

gvee said:
Cracking! Looks like a stunning place to visit

How was driving a bus in Paris? I've always been told to avoid that city unless I want to turn my van in to a proper ratter :lol:

Hi gvee, we cheated and got the train into Paris from Chamont.. The traffic was a little crazy I have to admit, no worse than London though in my experience.. Just other side of the road!! :mrgreen: It was VERY quiet where we went in Pierrefonds, apparently it's not somewhere the French would bother holidaying. I have to admit most folk on the campsite stayed one night then carried on, bit of a stop gap down to the south of France I suppose. It was basic, but clean. The owners DO NOT speak a word of English, my school girl French seemed to make sense to them though! :lol:
Looks like you were recoverd by father Christmas (3rd pic) :mrgreen: .
Fair play to you for carrying on though, i would have given up when it broke down.
Came and went all to quickly though im guessing?
Seems like only the other day that you set off.
Glad you had a gooden and great pix by the way.

Rich :mrgreen:
Great pics and glad you managed to sort it out!
Really loving the Pelforth Blonde bottle on the bumper - that was our drink of choice this year too - we've just got back from Normandy too.

We stared on a Castels site too - we've been there a couple of times before and it's fantastic! Which one were you at? We've looked at the one down by Mont Saint Michel before, but the "speedos only" rule in the pool has put us off :lol:
8) We've stayed in that exact campsite a couple of years ago when we drove my old Fastback to the south of Germany. Tiny unassuming municipal campsite, walk round the corner and there's a flipping great castle.

Haven't been brave enough to take the bus over yet ( more to do with the small children than the bus ).

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