Pardon all the crap(paraphernalia) around the bus. It ain't finished totally but works.
Finally got to put the remade 2 bow roof rack on for a few pic's .
It's been a different project that's for sure. You know when you can see something in your minds eye and you know you can make it work BUT........ :lol: :lol: :roll: :lol: :lol:
Anyway we are finally there and all that needs doing now is a few bolts trimmed and final paint touch up.
I think it looks good and also looks like it was made for a Dormobile. I tried googling and elsewhere for roof rack
of some description for a Dormobile but no luck.

Never mind I have my own now. :lol:
Special thanks goes out to Ozzie for the bits and pieces at the start which is about 1 year and 3 months ago.
He was kind enough to supply me with the bones of the rack and all I had to do was bugger about with it to
make it fit and add a few bits. The new made to fit cover has also arrived and now matches the rear one.
I think it looks pretty good even if I do say so myself. :lol: :lol:
Going away for 5 days Monday week to Cornwall, bit of walking and chilling.
May even take the new roof rack. :lol: :lol:
Have a good week everyone.
J & P