Broken down :(

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Took the van out yesterday, shopping with the wife and boy, all was going fine, untill I noticed a strange noise coming from the engine, I gave the engine a little rev and it sounded ok, so I carried on, two mins later, smoke coming through the vents! I stpped right away, looked in the engine bay, no signs of smoke or any smell, odd I thought, I noticed a pull in a little later on so I drove over to it, next thing loads of smoke from the dash, the wife grabbed the boy and her shopping, I grabbed the fire extinguisher, oppened the engine lid, some smoke, and one mangled fan belt, basically the dyman had seized, the smoke was the bottom pullye melting the fan belt!! could have been a lot worse, not the best of jobs to fix, but I was going to upgrade to an Altinator anyway, so now I have an excuse lol

2 and a half hours wait and, the first of 3 recovery truckes turned up, apparently the van was too low for the first, then the seccond came, it was a demountable, but had a cover, so the van was to high for it lol 3rd time lucky I was on my way home, van brokedown at 4:30, I finaly got home at 10, worst thing is it was only 10 miles up the road. Luckilly my sister lives arround the corner from where I broke down so she took the wife and boy home for me.


glad you and the bus are all ok, could have been a lot worse.

when mine broke down mr RAC didn't get me home till 2am
That's unlucky but at least now you can upgrade it. On the plus side your van is looking really good in those pictures 8)
Glad all is OK :D

In the picture it looks like you don't have a reg plate on the front :shock:
Thanks all.

Just been intouch with machine 7, they dont sock the 75 amp alternator due to them having problems with them! anyone had problems?

yeah no front plate or tax disk, never have, wich causea problem with the recovery, my tax disk was at home so I had to go get it before they would tow me! still wouldent have sped up the recovery though.
AxlFoley said:
yeah no front plate or tax disk, never have, wich causea problem with the recovery, my tax disk was at home so I had to go get it before they would tow me! still wouldent have sped up the recovery though.

I thought the offence was failure to display a tax disc so you would get done if you didn't have it on display in the vehicle even if you had it at home.....
yeah it is, I normally carry it with me, just not on display, I'm a bit odd like that lol, I think it makes the front of the van look cluttered :p

Just a quick note about the 75A alternator
I brought one from machine7 and the shaft was offset so the fan rubbed the housing.
Second one is fine, done about 2000 miles with no issues.
I though JK did Bosch ones?
AxlFoley said:
yeah it is, I normally carry it with me, just not on display, I'm a bit odd like that lol, I think it makes the front of the van look cluttered :p

lol fair enough, I think I'd be too paranoid about getting some jobsworth giving me tickets :msn4:
AxlFoley said:
Thanks all.

Just been intouch with machine 7, they dont sock the 75 amp alternator due to them having problems with them! anyone had problems?

yeah no front plate or tax disk, never have, wich causea problem with the recovery, my tax disk was at home so I had to go get it before they would tow me! still wouldent have sped up the recovery though.

Yes, I'm on the 4th 75A alternator from Machine 7.

With regards to failing to display a valid road fund licence;

(1) A person is guilty of an offence if—

(a) he uses, or keeps, on a public road a vehicle in respect of which vehicle excise duty is chargeable, and
(b) there is not fixed to and exhibited on the vehicle in the manner prescribed by regulations made by the Secretary of State a licence for, or in respect of, the vehicle which is for the time being in force.

(2) A person guilty of an offence under subsection (1) is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 1 on the standard scale.

(3) Subsection (1)—

(a) has effect subject to the provisions of regulations made by the Secretary of State, and
(b) is without prejudice to section 29

A fixed penalty notice of £30 for failure to display a tax disc, or reported to the DVLA and face further costs. :(
It's not the best time of year fir parts hunting but at Vanfest I found a used alternator stand and an alternator which with a belt and length of wire cost £20 all in. Those bundle kits are dear IMO.

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