Time for a small update....
First time working on the bus for a few weeks - Kids and work kept me busy last weekend... Weekend before that made a trip to Stanford Hall for some VW shaped inspiration (Pics of the show here if you're interested [
http://www.flickr.com/photos/darren-cambs/sets/72157626507988873/ ] ). Great to see some amazing VWs there.
Got some welding done on the O/S rear chassis rail. This was the bit I was re-folding in the previous post. All fitted in quite nicely:
Then took out the Top Hats, Cross member, Jacking Points and Outriggers from both sides. I'd gotten a bit ahead of myself a few months back and already plug welded the top hat to the N/s outrigger, but decided to cut the old outrigger out to make sure the chassis was sound here:
Just a selection of the debris. I'll be glad when all this day-glo yellow is gone. Am
REALLY beginning to hate this colour :evil:
Managed to unscrew the floor vents - expecting to be able to remove the hot air ducting. Unfortunately I found out the ducts are actually welded to the floor. Guess that will be yet more fabrication when it comes to getting the floor in. Still, I'd have done the lower half of the bus by then, so what's a few heat ducts? :roll: :lol: :roll:
Most of today been cutting and grinding out the remnants of the crossmember, outriggers and jacking points and cleaning up the areas ready to weld the new ones in.
Doesn't sound like much, but it takes bloody ages. Lying on your back under a rusty bus, isn't it amazing that wherever you position yourself, there's always a bracket, piece of floor, piece of chassis that ensures the grinding sparks are directed up your nose / in your ear / through the tiny gap between face and goggles / up trouser leg / down sleeve / etc. I did find a couple of very useful tools when I was rumaging around in the barn recently though - forgot I had them and they were tucked at the bottom of a drawer. Air chisel has been worth it's weight in gold though for slicing off the rotten stuff and even for chipping off the 'orrible yellow paint and stonechip.
Also ground off the remnants of the old belly pans that the PO had left attached to the chassis rails. He'd just sliced them off with a cutting disc (he'd nicked through the main battery feed cable too, so that would have been fun when the battery was connected up).
N/s chassis rail has a couple of holes I need to cut out and let in a new piece. Not too bad though.
N/s is pretty sound (already replaced the front section):
O/s is going to need the lower 1-2 inches replacing along its entire length though.
That's it for now. Will update when I've got the new stuff welded in.