monkeyvanwestybike said:
dustrat said:
I use a gearbox oil plastic bottle with tube. No drips and easy to store.
Yep fill these up 2 and a half times
Poke tube down the filler hole
And squeeze perfect no spillage
That's what I do
Ditto,, I use these because you can leave the little pipe pulled out and still screw it`s little cap back on to keep the oil clean, it also don`t drip and it`s a good ergonomic type shape for pouring and squeezing too if you like that sort of thing :roll: two of them will fit in between the battery and the wheel arch. I only ever use one for topping up and the other is for emergency emergencies. Bonus is they is free when you change your box oil and we do like free good stuff
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It works, it`s great,, it`s free,, what`s not to like??? :mrgreen:
