Cruise To The Prom

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I only took a few pics








Hi Guys
Let me try and address some of the points raised here.
First of all, I (as the main event coordinator/manager) really do appreciate your feedback. I had a walk around later on in the day, when things had stopped being quite so crazy to talk to people to gauge their thoughts and feelings about the event.
I and the rest of the DBS club were totally blown away by the sheer number of VW’s that attended, and having arrived on the lawns just after 7am couldn’t believe my eyes when the first ‘punters’ arrived, paid and parked up around 8:15am!!!
I agree with you Ozziedog, it is looking as if Cruise to the Prom requires more space, something that was initially discussed with the council etc by 2pm on the day! I am waiting for the bedlam of Easter to pass by and will then be looking to have a meeting with the local council to discuss next years event.
This is the 5th time this Event has been held with attendance steadily growing.  Last year saw around (est) 500 VW’s come along, so this year when the lawns were 60%+ full I started to get a little concerned. The idea of utilising the councils seafront overflow car park on the beach was hatched in a very quick discussion on the phone with the local council, who not only let us use their back up space, but also let us have it for nothing and put the monies we took in with all the other gate receipts.  As has been mentioned, attendance significantly increased this year, (est 800+) which I and the rest of DBS find fantastic, but, it did catch us by surprise a little and something had to be done very quickly to ensure we didn’t have to turn anyone away.  ‘Space’ will be one of the key discussion points as we debrief from this event and begin to plan next years!
Easy, I understand it was frustrating that you guys were on the beach, as you will have seen above, this wasn’t in our original plans and was the result of quick thinking on the the day to ensure all could take part... ‘Club Parking Areas’ will remain a feature of future events, it would be great to see an ‘EarlyBay’ section – please contact me if this interests you and other Earlybayers for next years event...
With regards to the T4’s and T5’s, well, Air vs Water Cooled. we could discuss this for an entire day and quite possibly never reach an agreement!!! The first couple of CTTP’s were indeed air-cooled only, with the exception of T25’s (T3’s) and Newbies, this then upset the T4/T5 and Golf gang who also wanted to come along and take part in what was a nice chilled out day/event. We (DBS) discussed this at length and decided that it’s all VW’s and Porsches. I know a couple of ‘rogue’ vehicles sneaked through the net, but on the whole we kept to the invite list.
RustyDiver,- all the ‘judges’ are picked, by me, completely at random, and I ask them to pick their 10 favourite vehicles on the lawns (and in this years case on the beach too!). The random nature of judge selection means it is a pure coincidence if the same vehicles win again!
Sparkywig, sorry, I didn’t realise you were an Early-Bayer when I spoke to you. To be honest, I think the number of people turning up straight to the lawns was nearer 400, hence we became concerned about the remaining space. We are unable to stop people coming straight to the Prom to watch the cruise arrive...... if we don’t’ let them on they will simply choke up the town and the roads around waiting and then the residents/police/council are going to be rounding up a pitchfork wielding posse with my ass as their target!!
Rusty (I’m going through these in order!!!), we don’t know how many are going to do the cruise until the day, it’s not a pre-book thing, and you can never really do it as such, as people will simply join in just down the road once it starts. There are lessons being learned each and every year and I will personally do my very best to ensure that the show continues to be a great day for those who come along. 
I would like to add, that I have a lot of help from people on the day and in the lead up, but on the whole I organise and manage the entire event myself, and do so in my spare, (spare????) time, I also have a full time job, small kids etc etc etc, and I am not in the event management business etc etc.
If the more modern stuff doesn’t appeal then do what Ozzie says, don’t look at it, there’s plenty of stuff to look at for all tastes there. Ozzie, were you the guy with the chopper style bike I took a pic of?? Very nice, and a very nice van too!
The event is almost an organic thing, presenting different challenges as it grows and develops.  This is why all comments both positive and negative are appreciated as they all help us to develop.
As I have said, I really appreciate the feedback from you guys, and it will all go in to the pot for the debrief meeting next week. I and DBS hope that no-one has been put off by this years event, it would be a great shame and a loss if anyone chose not to attend CTTP 6!  This year’s CTTP has presented challenges and issues which we will strive to address, whilst maintaining the CTTP essence – a nice, chilled out day for all the family at the seaside...
I hope nothing here will be taken as me having a rant, I assure you it’s not, I am simply adding the insider view which may explain how and why certain aspects of the event were why they were....
I hope to see you again next year!
We have possible ideas and plans to be discussed for next year and these comments can only help us keep it to be a nice, chilled out family day.
My only moan will be, of all the pics of Early Bays on here from the day, there’s not one of mine!!!!!!! (LOL!!)  Can I ask if people could upload their pics on the gallery page on" onclick=";return false; and you may see one of your photos in the mag write ups of the event.
Mr Scoops sorry I sounded as if I was having a go :oops:.

I think it's easy for us to have a moan about the day after the event but not realise how much work goes into the organisation of it, you do it as part of your hobby and the love of VW's.
I think everybody who came away from the show had a great day and a red face. I know I did.
I think the T4/5 issues are always going to be there as a bit of banter between the air and water cooled people.

I think I may upset the apple cart a bit now by saying I don't think £5 is enough I would happily pay more next year. What does £5 get you now, not a lot. The wife thought it was £5 per adult in a car and would have been happy with that.

Heres to next year and you never know some of us that knocks it might even help out with it next year.
Really well put dood :D

I wasnt having a moan about being on the beach, i really liked it tbh but it was very segregated from everyone else, but thats cool 8) My only moan was the T5s etc which is only personal to me and all my air cooled buddies, previously it was aircooled only and now its almost entirely taken over by watercooled, as far as tons of us were concerned this has lost its nice old skool show feel and has become tescos car park. ;) Maybe air cooled on the grass and watercooled on the beach for next year ;)

Maximum respect dood on doing all of this, i cant even begin to wonder how much time you have put in and it is greatly appreciated. Catch you soon fella for a drinky 8)
No no no, not at all mate, I (we) welcome a little 'constructive criticism'.
I see nothing derogatory in anyones comments......
They will all be fed in and go towards trying to make next years event as much (if not more) of a success!
mr scoops said:
No no no, not at all mate, I (we) welcome a little 'constructive criticism'.
I see nothing derogatory in anyones comments......
They will all be fed in and go towards trying to make next years event as much (if not more) of a success!

Sounds like a plan. :mrgreen: im sure you will be on it 8)

How about a massive T4 & T5 bonfire on the beach?.................. ;)
i thought you did a sterling job as always!!!
i did have my camera with me... but i was scouting for the mag and as your bus has already been in there... it didnt get a look in!! was looking spot on though! and the new wheel choice is soooo 'right'!!!

how about splitting the lawn down the middle....
watercooled down one side and aircooled down the other..... kind of a face off type affair!!! :msn4:
thru_a_lupe said:
i thought you did a sterling job as always!!!
i did have my camera with me... but i was scouting for the mag and as your bus has already been in there... it didnt get a look in!! was looking spot on though! and the new wheel choice is soooo 'right'!!!

how about splitting the lawn down the middle....
watercooled down one side and aircooled down the other..... kind of a face off type affair!!! :msn4:

great idea!.............and then can we have a bonfire? ;)
HA HA!!! you make i laugh!!!

aircooleds should be down the road side of the lawn... that way the general public will only see lots of lovely aircooled ass... and will also shield their eyes form the monstrosities on the other side of the lawn!! :lol:

ez... if we then know where exactly the waterpumpers will be parked we can go down a few days early and bury some explosives under the grass..... BOOM!!!! :msn4:
thru_a_lupe said:
i thought you did a sterling job as always!!!
i did have my camera with me... but i was scouting for the mag and as your bus has already been in there... it didnt get a look in!! was looking spot on though! and the new wheel choice is soooo 'right'!!!

how about splitting the lawn down the middle....
watercooled down one side and aircooled down the other..... kind of a face off type affair!!! :msn4:

VolksWorld C & B??

If you need any further info if you're doing a write up let me know.
volksworld and volksworld c&b indeed! but i was scouting for potential feature rides!
i did the show report for c&b last year and they were loving it... but didnt do one this year as they probably wouldnt have run it having run it last year...
i did offer it to camper and commercial, but david wouldnt have been able to put it in the mag for 4 or 5 months...

easy said:
great idea!.............and then can we have a bonfire? ;)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well said.father and brother in law both got T5's prehaps I'll invite them next year too keep the fire going. :msn4:
RIGHT THAT`S IT !!!!! I`m selling that effing bike ! Nah not really,,, it is pretty 8) 8) 8)
Let you off Mr Scoops (what`s that all about anyway) (the Mr Scoops ???) You did actually mention my bus who`s name is Sherbie, not really a play on the name Herbie ,,, well just a bit maybe, more of the fact that he was a bit of a lemon when I bought him :lol: ;) :lol: Really appreciate you taking the time to pop on here and have a word with us participants when you did all that other fantastic stuff. I don`t quite like the idea of separatism though, as it always starts out good natured then usually gets soured. I do like the idea of structured areas though and I could see that being a logistical nightmare / bellend torture. I think (with your approval) that maybe a few peeps may want to throw some ideas at you which may or may not brainstorm a few good ideas through, obviously once you`ve detuned from this years orgasmic success of course. The main issue, (as I see it) is getting your crystal ball swr d and on the right frequency so you know how many peeps will attend next year, also how many are going to be coming but break down en route, and how many weren`t coming but it was a nice day so changed their minds. So that bit sounds pretty easy, so what`s the problem again ????

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, No probs,,,, great bash, 8)
mr scoops said:
Sparkywig, sorry, I didn’t realise you were an Early-Bayer when I spoke to you. To be honest, I think the number of people turning up straight to the lawns was nearer 400, hence we became concerned about the remaining space. We are unable to stop people coming straight to the Prom to watch the cruise arrive...... if we don’t’ let them on they will simply choke up the town and the roads around waiting and then the residents/police/council are going to be rounding up a pitchfork wielding posse with my ass as their target!!

It was a brilliant day, so don't take it as a criticism as such, but just an observation that the T4/5's were in a block right in the middle.
I also thought that the cruise was part of the day, rather than just turning up and parking.

The stickers were a good idea though. :)

Perhaps we should have an earlybay lineup here, there's enough of us in the region. :?:
Nice one guys, I've not taken any of it as 'criticism', more constructive comments. ;)
We are having a debrief next Wednesday night so I will throw your comments into the pot.
I've got a few ideas and need to run some ideas past the council too....
For this of you that may have missed out on the stickers, we are going to get another run printed off and will be selling them on with the profits going into the charity kitty...
Sounds good Mr Scoops,,,, pop back when you have some spare time ( :lol: ) and let me know when they is ready,, and if you would be good enough to put my name on one that`ll be good too. ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, :mrgreen:
For those interested there are stickers and some copies of last years DVD now on EBay.
Just do a search on 'Cruise to the Prom'.
More merchandise will be added throughout the week.
This was our third CTTP and a really good event as always! Unfortunately we weren't able to bring along our 70 SC :( but had a good day wandering around and checking out all the excellent vdubs that made it. It was some time before we realised that some were down on the beach though, but we did get down there to check them out too! Lovely barndoors ;)
We were due to park with the club we recently joined, South Wales Dubbers. My feeling was like many others have voiced, that the mix of air and watercooled was a bit out of place, but I have had a thought that what would have looked good on the club stand is if all the vehicles had lined up in order of age. This is a club preference of course, but I'll be suggesting it to them.
An EarlyBay stand would be a good idea and quite well supported I would think.

Thanks to Mr Scoops and all the organisers for a fab day, hope to make it again next year (with a VW this time!)