DELUXE CLOCKS AND TACHOMETERS - 1st batch now on sale

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What product would you be interested in?

  • I would possibly buy a clock

    Votes: 36 32.1%
  • I would possibly buy a Tachometer

    Votes: 91 81.3%
  • I wouldn't purchase either product

    Votes: 5 4.5%

  • Total voters
Thank you Johnny et al. I really do appreciate all the comments guys. They keep me motivated and focused.

Almost got all the components to begin production. Unfortunately I'll be in Belgium for the next week so Tachs won't be available till after the school holidays. Worth the wait fellas. ;)
Like so many others have really enjoyed following this thread and total hats off for all the thought and effort to make this happen. Certainly worth the wait until end of school holidays, My dilemma? I have no doubt that it will look great in that empty space in the westy's instrument pod, and I think the projected price is great value for all the work that has gone into this, but I'm thinking do I really need it or do I just carry on trusting my ears and save the money for fuel? Having said that, I'm picking up a pair of door winders from Mark at MCJ products later today, do I really need them - no as I have winders that work, but they sure look good and will finish off my door cards beautifully. :lol:

Methinks this will end up going the same way, roll on the end of the school hols ... great work - thank you
If my van passes the MOT first time on Tuesday, this will be an ideal treat for it.

Awesome video Chris and absolute quality product you can count the West Ozzie Mozzie in for a Tacho for sure bud 8)
Just waiting on the dials to come back from the printers. I wasn't happy with the colour match of the 1st batch so decided to re print them all.

That's pretty much the last piece to the puzzle and then I can begin assembling. 20 tachs in the 1st batch. :D
Really like this but am unable to see a price.
If not confirmed could you give me a ball park figure please.
Keep up the good work!
Sorry guys. Things have taken a little longer than expected as they always do. Fingers crossed I'll have some ready to go by the end of next week. Just waiting on the last piece to the puzzle. :D
Sorry people. I've had a delay with the new face printing. I have been promised them by mid next week. Everything else is ready to go. :D
I've been wondering what to do with that hole in the dash, & I find this thread.

What an awesome bit of work fella!

I'm defo in for one of these as soon as they are ready.
Not in a rush as I'm late to the party but PM when ready please.
aspro said:
Just waiting on the dials to come back from the printers. I wasn't happy with the colour match of the 1st batch so decided to re print them all.

That's pretty much the last piece to the puzzle and then I can begin assembling. 20 tachs in the 1st batch. :D

Love this. Not suffering compromise. Everyone is gonna end up with a quality product.
aspro said:
Sorry people. I've had a delay with the new face printing. I have been promised them by mid next week. Everything else is ready to go. :D

Thanks for the update Chris, sterling work as always 8) better to take longer and be top notch than rushed 8)
That is an awsome effort! Ill have one of these tachos for the Micro for sure! 8)
Sorry for the delays guys. Took some time out in Hessisch and still waiting on the dials.

Gauges should be ready for dispatch by the end of this week. New pics to follow soon.

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