F*****G W*****S!!!!

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Staff member
Oct 5, 2006
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Sorry this is a bit of a strong post, but I have every reason to be so angry!

This is for everybody who knows Squirrel, who runs Bristol Cherished Cars.

Last night Squirrel went out to walk his dog, nothing unusal about that, but his wife later found him in a pool of blood on the doorstep!!!! :shock:

Some absolute :evil: .... words I do not want to use here, beat him sensless as they tried to nick a mobile phone from him!!!!!! he didn`t even have one on him!!! :evil:

He has spent all night in hospital and as it stands he is not in a good way :(

The 2 Bristol clubs that he is a member of send our thoughts to him and offer to help in any way we can, to his wife and new baby.

So the reason for this post is to say be careful out there, as there are some total ..... :evil: who are making this country a shit place to be and totally ruining peoples lives.

I for one will be doing all I can to find out who did this :evil: and will see how they enjoy it. :twisted:

Please pass the news on to anybody who knows Squirrel.
That sucks big time. Hope he comes through it ok. :(

A member of our local club was bundled into a car last week and robbed of his phone and money and taken to a cashpoint. They didn't physically hurt him, but the mental anguish he's suffered since has been almost as bad. Like you say, there are some total idiots out there.
and dare i say it, but you watch the police will do NOTHING! about it! :twisted: and they want to pull me over for doing 5mph over the speed limit!.......hmmmmm
Cheers dude, I have heard that he is feeling better. Broken nose in 2 places bruised ribs and bruised face, to name but a few. :evil: These people should have their little dinkles removed and then fed back to em :lol: :twisted:
That sucks easy, i wish him well.

this country is screwed, im outta here when the oppotunity arises.
ive just moved from east london to kent for a better way of life but you shouldnt have to. goverment need to sort out the scum not pamper them.
"hug a hoodie" my arse! :?
All this for a mobile phone... :( F*^$ers! :evil: :evil:

Terrible news, EZ. Wish him well from this side of the Channel (although he doesn't know me).
Many thanks for your kind words chaps, I will pass them on.

I believe we are being far to light on the little s**ts that roam our street, most people to scared to say anything.

Grab em, crush em up and feed em to their out of work, interbred, fat families! Roll on the revolution and its off with their head, chucked in a pit and a sprinkle of lime on their heads. Job done!

(sorry its not a good friday for me!) :shock:
sad to think that the law seems to be on their side? :x

has your mate got any idea who they were or what they look like?
As far as I am aware he hasn`t got to much of an idea about them, hopefully the more he remembers the more will come to light. There are allot of angry Bristol Veedubbers out there today, who are out to catch em. :evil:

A few months ago my girlfiends sisters boyfriend got assaulted by 3 blokes (they smashed a champagne bottle over his head!) he managed to get to a safe place and when he did, 2 police men came in and arrested him!!!! because the 3 blokes had rung the police and said that he had threatened them and started it!!! O yea a bloke on his way home is gonna threaten 3 pricks with bottles in their hand! Got thrown out of court of course, but took a month or so to dop the paper work etc :roll:
Cheers all, Its good to know that the earlybay scene is a nice one and has some very cool people on board 8)
agree with all comments especially wanderlust . my missus thinks we should bring back hanging for these fookers :lol: . Hope your man gets well soon Ez all the best from suffolk , peace 8)
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Squirrel from sunny Shropshire. I used to live in Bristol and its a great city but just like everywhere else in this country it does have a small number of scum who go out of their way to ruin other peoples lives.

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