Full flow oil system

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
Finally bolted my new engine in yesterday, but can't see a way to attach the engine brace bar/hanger as the new oil system exits the block at the same place as the top left bolt position. Does the mounting bar need modifying ie cut, for it to fit?
Thanks in advance
I had to trim mine slightly to fit, endied up cutting a notch out then welding in a plate
i have all bolts in as i am sure most people do. any chance of a picture of whats the clearance problem?
i have a nasty square brass thing, i have seen some real nice banjo fittings for the 90 degree bend that dont fowl it tbh. what fittings do others use?
you should get all the bolts in ok if its been done correctly ,whs show us a pic.
think we need to see a pic i will try and fine one of mine i did clearance the bar slightly to fit it on but not a huge amount

Think i changed the fitting on the block to a 90 degree same as the pump cover and the fitting on the pump cover is not at that angle now it pints down and in slightly if you understand what i mean. but only minor clearance to the engine bar required

sounds like the fitting hasn't been put in to the correct orientation - see SJC's pic sounds like yours obscures the left fitting hole.

Was the fitting a tapered thread? Laurie Pettit advises straight thread and dowty washers so the position can be placed in the best possible - having said that Laurie also advises for swept Tee'sas the right angle ones don't flow well...I have changed mine as yet. Winter job for me.

ah so its the oil pump cover outlet.
just get a 90degree union chap problem solved.
a local hydraulic place normally works out cheapest

I'd probably bin that hose as well and get something that doesn't rely on a jubilee clip to hold it on if it pops off it will empty your oil quick
that hose to me looks like cheap rubber hose as supplied with bugpack coolers and such.
personally i'd not want to run it on anything high pressure. such as the oil system.
i would be running well in fact i am running proper hydraulic hose and connectors.
maybe its overkill in most peoples eyes but its an area i'd not want to skimp on as like i said it will take no time at all to have no oil in your system if a hose pops while running

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