Gearbox query - Gearbox oil change advice needed please.

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mr scoops

Well-known member
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Since I've fitted the CSP shifter to SuperDry the actual shift is so much better than with the EMPI shifter it came with.

One thing I've noted that hasn't improved is that if I've been bimbling around town in it, it shifts nicely, but sit on the motorway for more than a few junctions and it doesn't like going in to second or first.

Is it worth changing the gearbox oil, there's every chance that the oil in there is years, if not decades old.

In which case, what oil should I replace it with?

I'm going to Halfrauds tomorrow to get a drain plug tool on the way home and plan to get the oil too.

I'm going to undo the fill bolt before the sump drain.

Am I right in thinking I have to get the front of the bus in the air too to make sure the Bus is level when I put the new oil in.

Is it okay to simply drain the old stuff and then fill it with new or do I need a flush?

Any other hints, tips or advice is most welcome!
It's always worth changing the gearbox oil - one of the first things I did to my van once it was MOTd.

I've never owned a VW which didn't need the gearbox oil change when I bought it.

80/90 Hypoid oil as specified in the manual. :)

While you're there, replace the steering box oil too. Same stuff. :)

No flush needed, but if what comes out is especially murky I'd do another change in a few months time.
Go for drive, drain the oil and with the gearbox level fill with approx. 3.5 litres of hypoid 90 gearbox oil until it just dribbles out of the filler hole.
It'll take 100 miles or so before you notice any difference.
I've got some of that already I think.

I'll dig out my Haynes to see how much the gearbox needs.

Cheers fella
sparkywig said:
Go for drive, drain the oil and with the gearbox level fill with approx. 3.5 litres of hypoid 90 gearbox oil until it just dribbles out of the filler hole.
It'll take 100 miles or so before you notice any difference.

Shit, I won't notice till July then! :lol:
Could it be crap oil in there now that's affecting gear changes when it's warm?
TOP TIP: before you drain the oil, make sure the fill plug comes loose, often you knacker the cap head plug leaving you with an empty gearbox an no way of re-filling it ;)
I've just bought the drain plug socket, 4.5l of EP90 GearBox Oil & an Oil drain can.

The plan is to go out for a scoot round on Sunday morning, put the old girl up on stands and do this first off.

I'm also going to see of the CSP needs a little tweak.....
mr scoops said:
I've just bought the drain plug socket, 4.5l of EP90 GearBox Oil & an Oil drain can.

Hi mate where did you obtain all the gear from - was it a Hafrauds job?
I bought the 4.5l of EP90 from EuroCarParts as I get a bit of a discount as I work at Airbus, cost £17.90

The drain plug and oil collector can was a Halfrauds job
I can't remember where I read this, and the timing might not be ideal..... Sorry, but I read somewhere that for our colder climate a lighter gearbox oil was recommended. Perhaps 80 or 80/90. Gear selection with cold and heavy oil can be more difficult. It does of course warm up fine I suppose, but might be an idea for next time.

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