Grinding and Health and Safety - contains images of injuries

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I`m all okay thanks and i did have a lucky escape!
Eyes a bit sore and i now have a nice shiner too.
Full face helmet next time that drill comes out :lol:
Cheers Paul.
I did this on Monday so the thread didn't slip too far, but it got onto page 2 before the bandage came off... :roll:
For the record - 1mm cutting disc. :lol:
Hey Steve,,,,,,,,,,,, How many fingers have you actually got left now ?????????? :shock: Take care mate cause they might not grow, them new fingers ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, You don`t half make me very carefull !! ;) :mrgreen: ;)
I was lying under a van once, backed up against axle stands wire brushing (twisted knot on a grinder) the inner valance when it snagged on something, ripped from my hand and landed on the floor in front of me, on it's back, still going. I couldn't get out, so I had to pick it up again. Just as I reached out, it vibrated over onto it's side, shot across the floor and straight up my sleeve. That stung a bit!
ZedBed said:
I was lying under a van once, backed up against axle stands wire brushing (twisted knot on a grinder) the inner valance when it snagged on something, ripped from my hand and landed on the floor in front of me, on it's back, still going. I couldn't get out, so I had to pick it up again. Just as I reached out, it vibrated over onto it's side, shot across the floor and straight up my sleeve. That stung a bit!

have you thought that the grinder mafia might have a hit out on you, and so far they have lost many good hit grinders to the cause... its only a matter of time.
The one that `ALWAYS ' ***** me right up, is when the drill catches a hint of sleeve on the chuck :shock: :shock: :shock: , usually don`t hurt or bite but it doo **** me up. I remember years ago finishing off re shapeing some timber work and I stood back to check symmetry etc and for some reason I was distracted and started tapping my fingers on the bed of the leccy plane and yes you guessed it :shock: :roll: :shock: started it up and tapped at the same time and whizzed the tops off two or three fingers right on the balls of the finger tips, scared the crap out of me and I didn`t look while I ran the cold water on them for at least two **** :? but it was just lots of blood really and just a bit more than the skin skimmed off. That made interesting work whilst fiddling in the nail bag for a couple of weeks, bit of an over enthusiastic reminder when you needed a nail :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, We`ll be comparing scars in a bit :lol: ;) :lol:
Kruger on TheLateBay has almost chopped his top lip off with a grinder. Don't look if you're squeemish." onclick=";return false;

...and the chap in the next unit sliced his thumb from tip to wrist with one on Tuesday - 18 stitches.

I've had enough reminders this week - not particularly looking forward to work tomorrow. :(
ZedBed said:
Kruger on TheLateBay has almost chopped his top lip off with a grinder. Don't look if you're squeemish." onclick=";return false;

...and the chap in the next unit sliced his thumb from tip to wrist with one on Tuesday - 18 stitches.

I've had enough reminders this week - not particularly looking forward to work tomorrow. :(

Ooh thats nasty :shock: poor soul and he's got no straws :(
I'm stocked up on straws now! and I'm getting by on tea, soup and chocolate fingers.

Looking like a bit of a monster at the moment but hopefully it will heal up ok, as seems a very clean cut, goggles/gloves/ well covered up and the guard in place - and it still happens, full face mask and kevlar all in one body armour suit next time!
kruger said:
I'm stocked up on straws now! and I'm getting by on tea, soup and chocolate fingers.

Looking like a bit of a monster at the moment but hopefully it will heal up ok, as seems a very clean cut, goggles/gloves/ well covered up and the guard in place - and it still happens, full face mask and kevlar all in one body armour suit next time!

I had a friend who broke her jaw, she got bored with soup after a while and went on to baby food, they do some interesting flavours these days and farleys rusks :)

Hope youre back on your resto soon :)
This thread just keeps on coming back to bite you :shock: Maybe we should just bump it to the top once a week on a Friday maybe to keep all us peeps on our best game. :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,, Just found this after tea,,, typical :mrgreen:
kruger said:
I'm stocked up on straws now! and I'm getting by on tea, soup and chocolate fingers.

Looking like a bit of a monster at the moment but hopefully it will heal up ok, as seems a very clean cut, goggles/gloves/ well covered up and the guard in place - and it still happens, full face mask and kevlar all in one body armour suit next time!

not good mate - hope it heals quick for ya, i had a look at the link on late bay showing the other grinding injuries and its amazing how well they all healed, so hopefully you'll be the same.
kruger said:
I'm stocked up on straws now! and I'm getting by on tea, soup and chocolate fingers.

Looking like a bit of a monster at the moment but hopefully it will heal up ok, as seems a very clean cut, goggles/gloves/ well covered up and the guard in place - and it still happens, full face mask and kevlar all in one body armour suit next time!

not good mate - hope it heals quick for ya, i had a look at the link on late bay showing the other grinding injuries and its amazing how well they all healed, so hopefully you'll be the same.
ozziedog said:
This thread just keeps on coming back to bite you :shock: Maybe we should just bump it to the top once a week on a Friday maybe to keep all us peeps on our best game. :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,, Just found this after tea,,, typical :mrgreen:

Thought you might be having your tea so I thought I would bump it up :D
You is a naughty lill minx T2T. And no,,,, I is not having my tea,,,,,,,,,, not yet anyways,, as I just got in. Funny how you just bumped that up and I got a lot of DIY going on next weekend :shock: :shock: :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hope you`re not the harbinger of doom :lol: :roll: :lol:
:lol: :lol: You is a funny little Ozzie, glad I didn't put you off your tea :)

I am not the bringer of doom just the voice for H+E <_< :mrgreen:

What diy will you be doing in your gauntlets, ear defenders, full face mask and full body armour this weekend then?

Also, while youre there have you any thoughts about Dubs at the Pub in Wareham? its a good little show and me n husband always seem to have a few beers while we are there, would be great to have some with you and the dog ;)

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