Has anyone from Earlybay ever tried to kill you?

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mole said:
Loxy has come up with an excellent idea...for encasing the said beastie in resin and using as a gear knob.After tomorrow I may have quite a few to sell.(ANY BUYERS).....Mole.....itchy and scratchy can't sleep and VERY PARANOID......

Dont panic whats the worst that can happen????
(just hope the councillor doesnt answer :lol: )
it all depends on the density of the resin, and the co-efficient of friction between said resin and the skin of your palm, or to put it another way; what's wrong with a poolball gearknob you arachnophiliac freaks :evil:
I had my van on a ramp last week, waxoiling the chassis, so i decides to put my hand in the "belly pan cave".
Well it soon came out when i felt something in there :shock:
It was full of twigs and stuff, some creature had made a nest in it.
Knowing that it had come from California, i decided to leave things be.
It did get an extra long spray of waxoil ;)
I Think at Last We have found the Councillors weakness ......... You Bloody Girl grow some balls Man :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes I did come face to face with a black widow female the other week and When i ask Graham bout it he laughed at me .... The bastard ;) Needless to say, yes it was my panel and it had been on my drive in the cold for over a year ....So to all those who have never checked their buses over

Get to it Now :shock:
if there were they'd have died of boredom months ago

or should that be years ? i lose track...
it seems we've found your 'Kryptonite' councillor :lol:

i have folks in Arizona, they live up in the hills, and the house is built on 3 foot stilts. When i asked why they told me it was because of the bugs. Anyway they keep a jar of scorpions/spiders in formaldahyde (/sp) on top of the fridge (no not for snacks!) incase they get stung/bitten. The small ones are the most dangerous.

To demonstrate my uncle left a damp towel on the drive and when we came out in the morning we counted over 50 scorpions.

the same evening about dusk i spotted something moving behind a cactus about 40 yards away across the yard. It was a spider about the size of my hand :shock:

all his gear is stacked i the middle of his garage because of nesting blackwidows around the eaves and outer walls, i saw at least five 'nests' which really makes your skin creep.

this is the species...


nice..... :eek:
Johnny said:
it seems we've found your 'Kryptonite' councillor :lol:

overblown sense of self-importance.

inability to see any other viewpoint in an argument.

tendency to dominate gatherings / conversations.

catastrophic personal hygiene.

**** hair.






de blah

fear of spiders is about here on the list i reckon
I dont mind spiders but the thought of waking up in me van with on of them big bad boys on my face makes me go a bit queezy :eek:
Not mine, Roadcow (Britt) posted this on Eircooled, a common find in San Jose it seems. :mrgreen:
When I decided to recover the seats in my old Split I found a nest made up of red soil in the backrest of the drivers seat with a few grub type things in it ,so I separated the soil from the grubs and burnt them.
Under my Bay when I was cleaning down to Waxoyl I found various cocoon type things that I also burnt.I still find the odd critter now and again particularly small red spiders that I usually crush and remove.
My attitude is to get them before they get me.
easy said:
I dont mind spiders but the thought of waking up in me van with on of them big bad boys on my face makes me go a bit queezy :eek:

Funny you should say that, really dont mind spiders (excepting freaky camel spiders but then they aint spiders), however I cant abide cockroaches, and still have memories of my time in Gib waking to find a big Mo Fo roach on my face with its head in my mouth....there aint enough mouthwash about to get rid of that bastard.... and the time I was first in the mess and turned the lights on and the floor was alive, they soon all scarpered allexcept one I went to grab a beaker from the drinks chiller and could see these monster antenae curling around two beakers....needless to say I forewent breakfast that day....
Contacted the council and they put me onto the RSPCA!.They inturn put me onto Buglife (not VW!) who inturn wanted me to send Boris to them so they could "have a good look" and assured me that they won't hurt you unless you're in close proximity (it's a campervan for god's sake)meanwhile we could be dropping like flies ................................................Rentokil are on the way to releave us of the spiders and my money....

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