Has anyone from Earlybay ever tried to kill you?

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Araon said:
waking to find a big Mo Fo roach on my face with its head in my mouth....there aint enough mouthwash about to get rid of that bastard...

alright stop it now :x

i was watching the pro-bowl in an apartment on bleecker street in 1994, enjoying a bottle of beer, and about halfway down i absent mindedly glanced at the label during a break in play, to see a juicy 'roach happily front crawling his way around in the suds. for ******* ****'s sake.

how long had he been in there ?

did he go in alone, or was it a family outing ?

and again, why the **** do they pick on me, and my drinks ?

this is a ridiculous thread.

Again in Gib since we seem to have moved on to all things creepy crawly, back in the baking humid summer of 90 I'd just come back from the La Linear market rucksack bursting with lovely fresh produce crisp lettuce, fresh fish, ripe water melon etc... I set about prepping the feast before me, in them days I was fit cycling every day running up the rock every day blah blah....anyway something was missing from the dish.... so I nipped across the football pitch to the NAAFI and bought a jar of salad cream not your cheap muck mind you.... opened the jar with a reassuring pop when lo and behold out flew would you adam an eve it a huge bloody moth as big as the jar lid, leaving behind it half its scales.....well that delicious salad was still good but not the work of gastronomic art it was destined to be.....
And then ( funnilly enough the same shop), the reason I no longer eat muesili....

been out all night, gib then across the border for the spanish night life, surfaced mid day, in need of substenance, saw a big box of ahem Alpen... raced back to the flat and opened the flap to the box....rustle rustle rustle..... :? what the....

drew the inner bag of delicious produce out....rustle rustle..... now I'm frozen to the spot :shock:

the bag starts pulsating, rustling, bucking and popping, hmmm do I look :?

oh yeah nob head carefully opens the bag not that there wasnt enough warning, now I used to coarse fish as a child, but never haveI seen so many maggots in one place.......

I ran back and handed over the pulsating packet to the cashier who was somewhat aghast, offering me a replacement product trying not to give me my cash back well I was still hungover so I grabbed another box, wait a minute whats this.... :?:

the cardboard box on this one was pulsating, so at the till I gently opened the flap and you guessed it rustle rustle rustle lifting out the bag before the cashier only to see the poor young thing turn tail and sarper.... :roll:

needless to say the money was soon returned.... :)

a letter to the manufacturer was in order, and some 6 months passed before I got a response....a huge box of boxes of Alpen.....

Seem to have digressed somewhat from original thread ah well such is the morphic nature of Forums and the people that inhabit them...
Araon said:
So Monkeyspinner Tims' been importing spiders then..... :lol:

My bus came from Tim. And it did sit unused in California for several years. After connecting the heat exchangers up to the body, the resulting air pressure forced lots (and I mean LOTS) of debris out of the screen vents. Something or things had definitely been nesting and made their home in the heater ducting. Gulp. Think that needs rodding through, though perhaps by someone else.....
Pete B said:
Think that needs rodding





can you rod a bus ? i'd like to see you do it 8)
the councillor said:

The 'rodding' I may come back to, but 105E Anglias, did I have a laugh with them or what?! The last one I had, '62, factory red (mega rare) usual running gear, 1600GT crossflow, 2000E 'box, never fitted the 3.77 diff so it accellerated like stink but topped out at 75mph! Could screech the tyres changing into 3rd and it looked totally standard. Tons of fun! Best quit now, getting to the point of pipe and slippers (again).

OK, I screwed up getting the Anglia pic,none of mine looked like that anyway.
the councillor said:
can you rod a bus ? i'd like to see you do it 8)

Take Matt Ballz's slammed late bay, add whitewalls, moon discs and scalloped flames down the side and you're on the way. Of course thats a late vehicle, like having a 356 'replica',(yuk) so it would have to be a barndoor to work really well. Could chop it and add period go faster bits. And I have just come back from the pub, so have probably missed the point and made an arse of myself (again). Still, while I'm on here I'm not bothering anyone else M'lud.
Pete B said:
Take Matt Ballz's slammed late bay, add whitewalls, moon discs and scalloped flames down the side and you're on the way.

i totally disagree but one man's rod is another man's kustom, and vice versa ;)

Pete B said:
Of course thats a late vehicle, like having a 356 'replica',(yuk) I have probably made an arse of myself.

i think highlighting the differences between what is little more than a fibreglass 'buggy' and the hand-built masterpiece that (arguably) set the porsche 'name' on the road to where it is today, and then doing the same to two vehicles which are ostensibly identical to all but a select band of enthusiasts IS a bit 'arse making' yes, although i know you're only teasing so i'll let it pass
as for the 105E, 'we' have the last one ever built in the liverpool museum... i grew up watching anglia-dominated 'hot rods' and it's fair to say that i was (am ?) obsessed with that one in the museum 8)

it's years since i've seen it though... they've probably replaced it with a focus or something :?
the councillor said:

Oh man - George Polley!!!

When I was a kid my dad used to take me to stock cars at Wimbledon and George Polley was my favourite driver. I wanted an Anglia for years!!!
Can we get back to spiders please?
As a survivor of a black widow spider bite I can tell you that I hate them! :evil: all spiders I hate them :evil: :evil: , and we have them all over the place around here, cleaning the back end of the house last friday I killed 2 black widows, the other ones I don't care to count(yes it is time to fumigate again), back in Tijuana,Mexico growing up my grandfather bought a property high on a hillside and I kid you guys not there were TARANTULAS all over. My grandfather tought it was funny as he grew up in Durango, Mexico a city who's logo is a scorpion, they sell them as souveniers in ashtrays,keychains,etc. Yeah we might have all the dry buses, but we have to put up with spiders , oh and with earthquakes too. :x


same driver, different 'incidents' (obviously) i'm guessing when you say stock cars, and by the george polley reference, you must mean spedeworth ?

i'm a big F1 fan... both of the above happened at wimbledon... i believe they'll never return to the capital due to some health & safety nonsense surrounding congestion and the transporters or something... bloody shame :?
the councillor said:
same driver, different 'incidents' (obviously) i'm guessing when you say stock cars, and by the george polley reference, you must mean spedeworth ?

That's the one. Spedeworth. Hot-rods superstox, bangers, demolition derby! Red-tops, gold-tops, blue-tops - and I don't mean milk!! Great days!!
Ok transvaliian base to earth - the evidence has landed.

We've gone full circle including: hot rod anglias, customised radio flyers, fish, curtains & now back on topic - spiders:
http://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/search/4194529.Pontypool_man_s_spider_van_fear/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Dont forget to watch the BBC news tonight ;)
This story is going big......

Signed copies of the South Wales Argus will be available at the Volksworld show 8)
the councillor said:
bloody councillors :roll:

I didnt like to say anything ;)

Although I may have to find a witty quip to go in my sig referring to councillors seeing as you have one bashing us engineers :lol:

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