Has anyone from Earlybay ever tried to kill you?

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The always sunny MIDLANDS, where else :mrgreen:
My mate Seth had 2 live Black Widows in his Ghia.....he had it smoke bombed! :shock:

When mine came in from Cali I used 2 very big cans of Vets Flea spray....it said it also killed spiders. Fingers Crossed. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Smoke bombs wont touch the likes of Black widows......

hair sray the crap out of them it hardens and you can gather them up.....

Used to work at a satellite earth station, we took delivery of a Iso container, opened the door within in a couple of minutes people were running out in all directions the place was alive with them, had to get rentokill in..... they took 5 adult females a couple of males and loads of young......
a mate of mine in burnley imported a US bus and four weeks after it arrived he got bit by a big spider, luckily it wasnt deadly but gave him the *****, the bus was mint but it didnt stop him, stripping it sandblasting underneath it and every other thing possible, and he would never import one from the states again.

dont bother me unless i got bit but i wont do aussy buses, i dont do snakes :p
Yes I'm still alive.Called environmental health but they work 9-5 Mon-Fri so I guess from that ,that I'm at risk until Monday......where's my insurance certificate ...........never a dull day eh!!................Mole
Youtube post is well funny....just what I needed after mine and Loxys find today...PS Westy now parked on the most annoying neighbour in the streets drive...do your stuff boys!! Beats Pitbulls anyday..
What a great thread to wake up to on a sunday morning, it made me larffff :lol:, makes me glad ive only got a rusty uk bus with tin worm. Just had flashback memories of my childhood living in Austraila waking up in bed seeing a big black spider, the size of a bin lid(i was only 5) crawling up my bed. It was only a garden spider but still made me crap myself.
Also being told not to go and play in to coal shed as it was full of spiders.
Joval said:
[thesamba]pics or it didn't happen[/thesamba] :lol:

here ya go ;)
Just had a brilliant idea :shock:

What about making a resin gear knob with the black widow encased in it 8)
Would be a talking piece :lol:
i'm with rustydiver on this one... a bit of rust versus spiders that can kill you.

are you import-happy lunatics on ******* glue or something ?

that's spiders.

that can kill you.

****. that. ****.

Nice to see a reasoned reply from 'the councillor' :lol: :lol: :lol:
the councillor said:
i'm with rustydiver on this one... a bit of rust versus spiders that can kill you.

are you import-happy lunatics on ******* glue or something ?

that's spiders.

that can kill you.

****. that. ****.


And breathe, are we to take from that post that you arent "that keen" on spiders then :lol:
i am ******* terrified of them :shock:

they haunt me... they're everywhere i go... big ones, little ones, they're even flying about me head... daddy bastard longlegs "ooh ooh, they're not arachnids" i don't ******* care get the **** out of my awning... all of you... NOW :x

when i was a kid, my bedroom carpet had a hole in it, and me dad had patched it, but all the edges were frayed, and i used to fiddle with it, and i was playing scalextric one day, controller in one hand, concentrating on a lap record, bit of carpet in the other hand rolling the edge of it between me thumb and forefinger... lap record broken, car back to the start line, bit of carpet OH NO IT'S NOT A BIT OF CARPET IT'S THE LEG OF THE BIGGEST SPIDER THAT EVER LIVED :shock: and :shock: and :shock: again.

couple of years back, i saw a friend of my wife's wandering about a bit lost, so i invited her in for a cup of tea. we were sat on the floor in my boy's bedroom, watching him and her daughter playing, and, like many people who grew up with tea leaves, she'd left the last half inch or so of tea in the bottom of the mug. i asked if she wanted another one, and when i went to tip the dregs away, half a spider came out too.

what ?

yeah, half a spider... exactly half its body, straight down the middle, one of them mandible things and four legs.

again, what ?

what are they doing it to ME for ? what have i ever done ?

"oh, i imported some killer spiders over in an old camper van at the weekend."

well, can you stop now please ? thanks :roll:

by the way, i know i flit between 'me' and 'my' it's that i say 'me' and i think 'my' so it depends if i'm typing about thinking or typing about speaking... yes it's a complicated business living with my brain, and that's without the spiders sticking their bloody noses in, or whatever it is they have :x
:lol: Well Helen just found out some of you guys have housed spiders in your van for a year or so.... :lol:

She believed me when I said that ours would have died off in the uk climate (then again so did I)....and now knows that it made a hasty move to her car....

She freaks at them, they only scare the ***** out of me when they go at you....

Out in Kuwait I was under a potacabin installing some fibreoptic cable when some bright spark launced a torch under for me so I could see what I was doing....well the whole underside was crawling alive with alsorts of scary ****, but the Camel spiders man are them things freaky, i scrambled out sharpish and was observed funning about like a headless chicken trying to get all the webs and beasties off me.....
here's one for you.

as you might have guessed by now, my bus lies dismantled and abandoned in the garage next to our house... we're halfway through some renovations that have led to the power to the garage being isolated, and there's been a catastrophic tat avalanche which means that getting into the garage for, say, a screwdriver is hard enough, but a couple of months ago now... what was the occasion ? oh yeah, we were going to france and i needed to get the red warning triangle which i knew was in the cupboard under the rock & roll bed (where also lurks the wreckage of an abandoned bacon sandwich from a past life) which meant i had to venture in beyond the tat sarcophagus and crawl indianapolis jones style into the very heart of darkness.

pause whilst i watch the hailstones.

anyway, i've got in through the door, over the westy sink unit and the abandoned conduit piles, tiptoed between 3 sets of B&Ps, past a stripped down 1600 and a couple of bicycle skeletons, and i was in through the driver's door. it might not sound much to you but remember this was all in pitch darkness... i must chronicle it for posterity on you tube before my imminent divorce avoidance strategy forces me into a tidy-up.

anyway, i'm in. there's a bathroom mirror on the floor of the walk-through section, i know that from memory... actually it's a bit like the crystal maze or something... and a small pile of BMX tyres. oh, and a deckchair, and this is getting ridiculous now, and i'm about to admit defeat, but we NEED the warning triangle and i NEED to stay married so i press on a bit further and then it suddenly hits me... my 'new' phone has a built-in torch :shock:

happy days.

i've got the thing out, scrolled to the right menu, clicked on 'on' and i swear to god the whole ******* interior was just criss-crossed with webs, and those fuckers with the huuuuuuge long legs and tiny bodies... cornish terror spiders i think they call them :x

'course, i **** my pants, but i can't turn and run, oh no, i've got to gently manoeuvre myself through 180 degrees, step gingerly over the tyres, avoid damaging the mirror, etc. etc. etc.

a ridiculous way for a so-called grown man to be living his 'life', if you can call it that.

i'm going out there and i'm clearing it up right now, and nobody can...

oh yeah, it's hailing :?

*i'll do it next weekend*


h.r. geiger made a living out of this sort of thing didn't he :roll:
Loxy has come up with an excellent idea...for encasing the said beastie in resin and using as a gear knob.After tomorrow I may have quite a few to sell.(ANY BUYERS).....Mole.....itchy and scratchy can't sleep and VERY PARANOID......

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