Help! Buried in Parts, Advice Needed

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2007
Reaction score
Near Winchester
Good evening people :)

You may have seen that I have got a load of parts, the main reason I decided to do this is because I am full time carer for my Son and Mum who both have cancer and I can't get a proper job because of the hospital appointments etc etc So I thought I can do this in my own time and hopefully make enough to make ends meet. The trouble is I am not much of a business woman and I would give it all away to help everyone get their buses on the road.

Can anyone give me some advice on how to price things up? I have tried searching through these forums for prices but its taking ages and all I seem to find is wanted ads. It doesn't help that I am not exactly sure what some of the bits I have are and that's the early bay stuff I am going to be stuffed when I get into the late bay and beetle stuff and the T25's well I might just chuck that lol

I have moaned on here before about inflated prices but if I use them as a guide I am going to piss myself off and everyone else :? :lol:

For instance I have an r n r bed here, can't find anything the same in a google image search or on ebay.... what do you think?

Any advice would be really appreciated :)
I had a tatty one of those and was going to restore it, in the end I cut it up and made a hatch above the engine out of it.

Anyway, I saw one the same but in better nick than mine on ebay went for well over £100 if I remember right, was quite gutted that I cut mine up :roll: Perhaps searching completed listings on ebay may give you some ideas.

Best of luck with your venture.
Thanks steamo :)

What a bummer :( I had some parts left over from my resto and just couldn't work out what to ask for them on here so put them on ebay and ripped myself off with the postage, sold some bits for 99p :roll: and one knob head gave me negative feedback for a 99p gear stick :| I would much rather sell the bulk of it to the lovely people on here and then maybe venture onto vzi :shock:
Can't fault you for that, not a massive fan of ebay myself and I certainly wasn't suggesting for one second that you line their pockets further. Just thought that searching completed auctions might provide an idea of what stuff sells for, worth a try?
Thanks steamo, I may well put stuff on ebay later I'm not that anti, just a bit wary, plus its not so easy since they got rid of the classic parts category. I have been doing google image searches and have got a lot of links to ebay but when you get to the page its no longer available :?

I know its frowned upon to put things in the for sale section without a price so looks like I will be having many late nights trying to work it all out :) I can see a 'guess the part' thread coming on :)

Have a good weekend :)
You've got your work cut out for sure, is there any forum member nearby could help you out? I guess for prices a quick look at some of the forums might help. Just deal with the parts in manageable chunks and list a set amount per week or something so that you don't get overwhelmed . I wish you all the best with it all and hope you get a decent return. :D

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