Ideas, please? - something on the Side (non-EB)

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
So we've all heard the story of the Jack Russel that chased a lorry, caught it and then did not know what to do with it. Kinda sums up my emotions at the moment.

It all happened when I drove past a sleazy pawn shop in the scary part of Johannesburg's CBD this morning...

Saw a funny shape portruding behind a fence, and decided to stop to have a look. At first I thought it was one of those kid's mechanical toys that works with coins at the supermarkets, or a dodgem car, (the image of a guy with a helmet being shot from a cannon in a circus even flashed through my mind), but on closer inspection I realised it must be the side car of a motorcycle.

Now yours truly often claims he knows a lot, but that is unfortunately not the case with motorcycles. My dad said to me over and over, over a timespan of many years, that motorcycles are 'coffins on wheels', you tempt death on it, you'll break your neck and so on. So I never asked for one, never had one and actually never cared about motorcycles. When I was in high school in St 6, some Matric guy had a Katana which was cool. But it was only cool till another Matric guy got a Ninja which was cooler. And that sums up my knowledge of motorcycles.

So why do you ask, did I buy it then? Well, in spite of the really nice diamond-stitched old school bucket seat that is inside, I don't really know. And that is the Jack Russel principle.

When the Wife came home tonight, the conversation went more or less as follows:

Wife: Hi Hunny, what is in the back of the Kombi?

Me: A bobsleigh

Wife: Uhm...OK

wife: WHAT?? I could have sworn you just said BOBSLEIGH!

Me: That is exactly what I said

Wife: Well..uhm... HELLO!! Don't you actually need SNOW to use a bobsleigh?

Me: No, haven't you seen the movie 'Cool Runnings?'

Wife: Yes, I have! But this is NOT JAMAICA!! And they were a TEAM, and your so-called BOBSLEIGH only has one seat!

Me: It is for solo races.

Wife (somewhat confused): You are SO NOT gonna get in that thing!!

Me: He he he he - APRIL FOOL!

Wife: That's only tomorrow - stupid. Serious now, what is that thing?

Me: It is a fibreglass sidecar for a motorcycle

Wife (starts looking for bread knife): Jokes are OVER, smartass! YOU DON'T OWN A MOTORCYCLE!!

Me (worried): No, serious! Got it for a good price, and only bought it for the nice seat for OUR buggy, my dear!

Wife (loosens grip on bread knife): But there is only one seat....

Me: Yes, I know my Love, but that will make it easier to find another one!

Wife (starts loosing interest): Ok, sure, right, whatever. What are you gonna do with the rest of it?

Me: I have no idea!

Wife: Well you most certainly are NOT gonna bring it into this house. Make a plan.


So I took a few pics:

Front quarter view - very nicely designed, streamlined. Looks like it was built in a factory, but no plate anywhere on it


Rear quarter view, it has a lockable hatch at the rear, with quite a large compartment (no sparewheel mount as one would have thought). From the front it is perfectly symmetric, so I guess it could be installed on either the left or the right side of the bike? It has four of rubber dampers, 2 per side, and inside you can see the actual reason I bought it - a removable diamond-stitched racing bucket that just screams OLD SCHOOL!! :hangloose:


Now I have a very vague idea in the back of my head, and I would love to hear the opinion of the Forum. Picture that bodyshell with some old wire wheels, and a nice paint job - don't you think it would look like those early racers of the 30's and 40's? Add a steering mechanism and Red Bull Soap Box Cart Race, here we come!!
Great story - I love the script describing the conversation with your wife best!

No mention of flames over a jet-black paintjob though???

I looks a bit old-skool, but not 70's - it's got 80's cheese written all over it... why not get the bike and match them up as the good Lord intended?

I say go for it - life's too short anyway!!!

Haha Nice conversation.
Think im gonna bookmark this tread :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Put two wheels on it, one on each side and a trailer coupling in front and you have a nice seat for your mother in law :twisted:
Put skis on it fella, I like the bobsleigh idea :D Or maybe a set of wings , leave it in your garden and watch the neighbours faces.
Did you ever get the Sinclair C5's in South Africa?

Get a 1641 turbo in the back of there and keep it a 1 seater, just a thought :D :roll: :wink:
Billy asks: "and what do you do?"

Toff replys: "Toboggan"


that reminds me im going to see him in his "too young to die" tour in June, i cant wait! :D

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