im so fed up...

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
ive suffered with severe anxiety attacks and agrophobia for last 8 years but has got really bad over lsat few months and made me feel pretty damn depressed.... really want to go out in the garage and do some work on the bus but got no energy or enthusiasm......any tips on how to pick myself up and find this energy.......
Sorry to hear that chap. The best way when the blues hit, is to go through the Gallery on here and in some of the VW mags and get some ideas about what things would work with your van.

Take loads of them and try and come up with a unique thing that you don`t really see. There are so many things that can be done to them, that it gets your head it overtime mode and you wanna go and get amongst it!

Now go forth and create something a little bit special! even if its just sorting out a bit of trim that keeps falling off and you have been putting it of for ages, it will be well worth it when you have finished and will get you going for doing some more. :D

Now go forth and create! any help you need give us a shout 8)
if you get it done now you can enjoy it more when the summers here!

also dont the clocks change at the end of the month? more sunlight always perks me up! :wink:
1. Make a list of small jobs to do on your bus (no more than 5).
2. Get your overalls on and get out there.
3. When you've completed your small list you'll have an enormous sense of satisfaction.
4. Post a thread here (with some piccies) telling us what you've been up to.
5. Wait for the praise to come flooding in - works every time!!!

Hope you can get out there!
The list of five wee jobbies is brilliant idea. Maintain your resolve and don't deviate from the list. As you are working through them you will find the next five that need doing as well, and so it goes.
Of course after each round of tasks you will need to test drive the bus won't you?
Maybe we have an earlybayer in your area and you could do the "pop in" to show off your handywork.
Good luck mate, get well soon.
yep -some good advice I reckon - firstly theres a really good bunch of people on here very willing to offer support and advice - it counts for a lot I reckon, and yes I agree with just making a list of a few little jobs to do and focusing on them - I find it so easy to get overwelmed with all the jobs that need doing that I end up doing none !
the list is a great idea
i went down th garage last night and didnt know where to start, should i tidy the garage, tinker with the bus, make a start on those kitchen cabinets, sort out my welder.... in the end i didnt get anything done.

sometimes there is so much to do you feel like your drowning in it
if you have a clear view of what you want to achieve yourll get it done and have a great feeling when its done

good luck dude :wink:
thanks for all your advice.... my bus is half way through a resto so still lots to do.... ive made a list of 5 things to do and im gonna start today.... im actually looking forward to it as i wrote the list last nite... just going to feed the dogs and then crack on.... thanks again for all your help.....
Well done buddy & like the guys say, anything you're stuck on just ask. Plenty of good advice & help will come from this site.
Nice one crosser get stuck in chap! 8)
well done crosser son . a little at a time nd then when longer days get here get a bit more done . best of luck to you mate . let us know how you get on :wink: