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Jul 9, 2019
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Hey guys,

Apologies if this is in the wrong place, but seemed as good as any!

Trying to be lazy and get a quote for the camper on Compare the Market, but there doesn't seem to be any Transporter/Camper variant that I can actually select. When it auto fills, it comes up with a Karmann Ghia, and the Transporters stop way before 1971...

Need to get it insured soon, and it's doing my nut slightly...

Thanks in advance!

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fallingoffalot said:
Don't bother with the main stream insurance companies - which is basically all you'll get on compare sites.

Phone one of the classic specialists like RH Specialist Vehicle Insurance.
Thanks buddy. Will give them a go tomorrow

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Heritage is another JK do it but i thought they were expensive. There are many more im sure and people will be along soon to throw loads at you
I've used Heritage at Norton in the past, and currently have a classic multi-car policy with RH Insurance.
JK, Hayburner, etc, are just fronts for, I think, HIC Insurance.
Don't use Adrian Flux though.
Thanks for the responses guys. Ended up going for heritage.

Lovely guys. Ended up being cheaper than the comparison guys as well. Well worth a go if you're looking in the future.

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Glad you got sorted in the end! For the record, I work at Classicline and can generally get a pretty good deal, so if anyone wants to give me a call it's 01455 63900 :)
A spot of thread resurrection...insured my Bay with Classicline a few days ago and it was quick, easy and (I thought) good value at £111 inc full European breakdown cover (3,000 miles pa, market value not agreed value and I'm a boringly good risk!). No affiliation etc but always happy to give a recommendation when it is deserved.
Funnily enough I’ve been thinking myself about this. Normally I go for five thou per year and usually scrape in with three to five hundred spare, but this year with all the stuff hitting the fan everywhere, I might be lucky to do three thou myself. Gotta say this Corona stuff has been awfully awfully kind to my bank balance tooo :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,not at all like that Stella :mrgreen:
Another vote for Classicline, great service and excellent price today, unlimited mileage, agreed valuation & breakdown cover, all for £30 cheaper than JK!
Won’t JK give you £50 if you get a cheaper quote elsewhere?
Anyway I was recommended to Hagerty and for 3k with RAC European cover it was £186. I think I can get better next year.

Edit: that’s agreed value so they won’t lowball me in the case of a total loss.

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