Its been a while since I updated on here, I recently changed jobs which has meant me working longer days so getting time for the van (and internet) has been a little hard but thankfully i've now started my four on four off shift pattern so hopefully things will move on a little quicker now.
Anyway i'll let the photos do the talking, spent the last couple of days slowly pulling dents (and most of my hair!) from the front panel. Started with bare metalling most of the panel,
I'm glad I did strip the paint on the front as there was plenty of stone chip rust hiding away.
hard to see but its there..
Lots of boring photos which dont really show whats going on.
Still plenty left to do but it gets depressing very quickly working on it.
Also started on the cab, trying to get it all prepped and painted so I can get the dash back in and move on with something.
Probably a bit OTT bare metalling it all but someone had attacked it with a grinder when I had my back turned and taken bits down to bare metal so the only real answer was to carry on.
After 3 days of **** I got bored so decided to get some primer on the floor, starting with an etch primer then a high build primer..
And got some seam sealer into the joints
Back at work now so work will have to wait till my shifts rotate again.
Sorry too many photos as usual