Ive been posting on JK for too long now, and still do.
I use them less for spares now as I like sourcing genuine stuff where possible, and they dont do that. I will use them for any generic type parts though, and the delivery is very good.
Re The forums -
Mart is handy and gets a lot of traffic, so useful
Tech is good, but the censorship is absolutely stifling it at the moment.
Soapbox is Groundhog day for sure, but I have to admit I cant help myself ....... :lol: but, it is what it is, and can be ignored.

The Chat forum has become wierd. It seems theres 20(?) people who post in the Daily Thread, and the rest is next to stagnant. People genuinely dont seem fussed about much VW related and it has little to offer enthusiasts ..... imo.
Id hate to see this forum deviate away from being anything other than a pretty hardcore early bus enthusiasts site ..... it seems set on track, and long may it remain so. 8)
I have sympathy and support for Richard at Bluebird and Justyn at Wagonworks .... both absolute stars in theyre fields and both small business' compared to Just Kampers. The thumbscrew approch to them is unrequired and over zealous. Shame.