looking for help with my crossover jigsaw missing pieces!

Early Bay Forum

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Nov 16, 2011
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hi guys,
the fella who had my buss before me has cut out a few panels and i am WELL confused with what i need to aquire. wondered if any kind soul would be able to share thier wisdom!

as far as i can make out, the offside has NO side sill to speak of in the center, and theres loads of inner outer and middle sills, i take it i need all 3,
do these just weld together?
is there a recommended order to offer them up or is it a case of slotting in and off you go?
would i spot, tack or seam weld?
is the outer sill the body pannel or do i need one of those too?
and do you need belly pans underneath?

i think im missing some out riggers and jacking points too...

nearside rear

offside rear
Can only point you to one of the best "How to" links for repairing sills (& other stuff)
http://www.specialpatrolgroup.co.uk/spooky/sills/ns/ns.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
The sills are on my list of jobs to do this winter, but there was a thread or two on here about it and from what I can work out there are three just as you say. The belly pans could start a five minute argument about stiffening up, and extra strength required if you have a pop top, but most don`t ever bother putting them back on because of all the disasters they hide :shock: Most are horrified once they remove their belly pans. Someone was talking about fitting some captive nuts and making them bolt on, which seems reasonable, apparantly they also reduce road noise, nice ;) The pics are looking good so you should be back on the road for the end of the week :shock: Or maybe the week after :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, Just roll it like that,, nice thick carpet maybe :mrgreen:
hahaha wouldnt even need an engine, just a few mates and we could flintstone that badboy all day!
cheers for the link and i'll keep my mouth shut about belly pans! lol
O M G I thought my bay was bad when i bought it but I was wrong ... Your flinstone bus is way worse ... I wouldn't spend anymore time on it buy another ....... Oh yes I am looking for a new bus do you want to sell it :lol: :lol:

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