Sounds like you got it just about right now. Sorry to come on to this thread so late but I ain`t had net access since the building works started here a week or so ago. A couple of more things to consider though :shock: :shock: I did exactly this and had my joints around the wrong way. Yes you do need two adjustables. Please keep an eye on your front tyres as running the way you had it (and me) chewed up the front tyres in much less than 500 miles on the inner edge as the wheels were set for track when the bus is stationary but because the geometry was wrong, as soon as you were rolling and hit any bump the tyres are getting a good scrubbing on the inner edge so watch the tyre wear as it`s only the inner edges and you may not notice it on the easily visible outside edges. If you run your hand over the tyres tread you will feel the `scrub ' in slightly raised edges on the tread pattern when moving your fingers (carefully) from side to side over the whole tread surface, so these particular tyres will have a very reduced life I`m afraid

Before you set the tracking,, you must set the camber with the eccentric nut and that`s one on each side. Just set the camber for maximum so that the top of the wheel is poking out and the bottom of the wheel is pushed in, it`s the opposite to the rear where the top of the tyre is in and the bottom of the tyre is pushed out from the body, just like in the exagerated cartoon drawings of camper busses you see on T shirts and hoodies. This will still be within the spec. There is a little notch on the eccentric nut which you can highlight with tippex or similar, I can`t remember where this is supposed to be but from memory they end up facing each other under the bus, I may be wrong but there are several threads on here about it if I new how to search properly :roll: And yes,, the gas adjust thread sorted out all the other little bits and that was entitled something like `For The Attention of the Lowering Gurus' I know exatly what you mean about bump steer wander and bumps when braking was interesting as well especially if you were on a slight bend :? :roll: :?
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It`s all good mate :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: