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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Leeds (ish)
ok i just had to stick my snowboarding pics up ..

Heres a couple .. we did a video too and one with a helmet cam .. just waiting for my mate to edit that and it'll go on pubetube..

No comments about the facial expressions or the beer gut please! ;)



some nice kickers and runs through the golf course!

.. not bad for an overweight 40 year old!

Great piece of Photoshop Hilly - nobody could look like that on a snowboard with air :lol:
Can't remember pulling a face!

... Wish a had Photoshop .. I'd get rid of the 'having a dump' face straight away!

.. Don't take that as a challenge ..

I love the flow bindings ..

They get some stick from the pro's ... but for us amateurs who are in and out of the bindings all the time they are ace ..

Nothing like a nice laugh midday at the office , thanks mate :D
And you're damn right , not bad for a 40 year old with a beer gut :lol:
Nice one Hilly, glad to see someone else enjoyed the snow :mrgreen:

must have been some good kickers, looks like sweet air :D

Not sure about the bindings though dude :lol: :lol:
ib-bus said:
Nothing like a nice laugh midday at the office , thanks mate :D
And you're damn right , not bad for a 40 year old with a beer gut :lol:

Hey yer know Juan ... here to entertain mate! :D

Cheers Si .. I like the flow bindings! .. Im in and off before they have brushed the snow off their arses! .. :party0049:

Hilly ;)
there were 4 guys boarding up my way. one of them was rather handy, jumped a fence and sped off down the road about half a mile.

class pics though :D
I was walking the dog on sunday when i came across a field with a good dozen boarders in.

How much can you get a useable board and bindings for? Im talking something to pull out the garage those 3 or 4 days (or weeks this year) when we actually have enough snow. Ive seen the boards on ebay and the like for £130 or so but is it any good just to give it a go ?
rockandrollcamper said:
I was walking the dog on sunday when i came across a field with a good dozen boarders in.

How much can you get a useable board and bindings for? Im talking something to pull out the garage those 3 or 4 days (or weeks this year) when we actually have enough snow. Ive seen the boards on ebay and the like for £130 or so but is it any good just to give it a go ?

£130 should get you a decent set up. Don't forget you need to buy the boots too, they cost a bit. Second hand is fine as you'll knacker a new board very quickly riding in the Uk due to stones etc. You need to buy one that's the right length for your height (between your chin and nose when upright). Try and find a local snowboarding shop and get loads of advice from them, they may even sell second hand stuff. You could then buy from ebay anyway :lol: :mrgreen:
It is a great sport. Definately give it a go, ideally take someone who knows what they're doing, engaging the rail (heel or toe) is quite different to skateboarding or most other board sports so it does take some getting used to but the falls hurt less (generally). If you can ski that helps (so I'm told).

Anyway, enjoy. Hope this helps :mrgreen:
Cheers Windsurfer,
Now knowing that you can enter the sport at such a low price, I wish I had thought of it earlier to be honest.

Im 6'1" so will need a decent size board. Any reccomendations on boots?
I like Vans boots but that's because I'm an ol' Skool Skater :lol: I'd go for new boots personally because you really need to try them on, sizes can be a bit dodgy. You can get last seasons Vans boots for about £80 new, so you're talking about approx £200 for all you need. Unless you also want the posy clothing :mrgreen:
thru_a_lupe said:
windsurfer said:
but the falls hurt less (generally).

bull5h1t!!!! when i came off i fractured a vertebrae and pushed the one below it forward!!! :shock: :roll:

yeah have to admit I was black and blue the last time I went out......although its a blast must get out again just need some decent hills arond here or build a ramp on the roof :idea:
thru_a_lupe said:
windsurfer said:
but the falls hurt less (generally).

bull5h1t!!!! when i came off i fractured a vertebrae and pushed the one below it forward!!! :shock: :roll:

That's because of your erm......................... well lets just say I'm super light :oops: :lol:

You must admit it hurts less than concrete Jon :mrgreen: I know it's a long time since you skated but you must remember the slams. :sick0010:

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