My 1971 bay project...

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Cheers dude :D

Heres a bit more work today - 6 days til MOT day!
I would have done more work yesterday, but my "helper" from thursday Jo jumped on me and I ended up twisting my knee so I can't really walk at the minute. :lol:

Anyway, first thing to do was turn the van round:


Cut out most of the old wheel tub (I did remove all of it, but evidently i didn't take a photo)


New wheel tub roughly in place - the fit is not seeming too good. :(


Wheelarch and wheel tub together - need a lot of fettling and not welded at all yet.


More to come..
The wheel arches and tubs always seem to need alot of fettling :cry:

But looking good :wink:
Cheers dude, I havn't got it Finally in place yet but today I spent ages adjusting the angles of all the curves in the panel so it is the same shape as the door. Grrr at repro panels.

Also today, I patched the main chassis arms using metal out of my bug's old framehead (very thick so it shouldn't rust through :lol: ) and a few other MOT patches underneath.

I also found the reason the valence on the front looks so good - it was put on straight over the old one :evil: So that will need sorting at some point.

Finally, I also did a bit of filler work to the drivers side B pillar etc - spot the join:



3.5 days to go!
A bit more work today :D

After work, Bob came over:


So we got working on the van together :D

Wheelarch clamped into place:


Finally with the shape about right. The pic shows it with my spare door fitted - it is a lot more solid then the green door and I will be using this one eventually.

Partly welded:


We've now got a possible problem with the seat tub not allowing the door to shut. Something to sort tomorrow.



Unfortaunely, my welder broke half way through welding - it's being tempermental again.


More work to come tomorrow ;)

Edit: Oh, and I sorted out the shocks on the narrowed beam :)
Cheers guys :D


Bob came over again:


We got a small patch done underneath, and got the wheelarch and wheel tub fully welded in place.



We had a bit of a problem with this bit here:


But it is OK now - terrible fit though!
I still need to weld the seat runner rails on.

Also, Lucy came over:


And helped me removing the old seat rail without damaging it too much.

I finished welding up the rear corner.


But I don't have an after pillar :roll:

I'm working 9-5.30 tomorrow, so more to come in the evening ;)

MOT in under 48 hours!
The VWs are the best cars to do bodywork don'tcha know :D


Today, I went and covered myself in POR15, and painted the seat tubs, window frames and everything else in my garage (myself included)

I got the seat runners welded in, and filled in a few small holes where the repro panel was rubbish. No pics from today, so expect a photo marathon tomorrow.

Anyway, everyone keep your fingers crossed for 2PM tomorrow that my MOT man is in a very good mood.

Oh, and I also bought insurance today - £875 for a year! :shock: Daaamn.
Justin & Mutley said:
Tofufi said:
Oh, and I also bought insurance today - £875 for a year! :shock: Daaamn.

:shock: :( :shock:


Holy sh**! you could get it cheaper than that dude! have you tried HIC etc and stating club discounts and limited mileage etc???? :shock:
It's with Adrian Flux... and limited miles.
It's because I'm 18, no-one will touch me. :lol: I will phone around a bit more when I get a chance.

Anyways, you obviously all wern't crossing your fingers hard enough.. It failed.

on 18 things :lol:

Before we even got to the MOT bay, i was up at 5.30 fitting windows and rubbers this morning... Lucy came over to give a hand at a more reasonable time and together we fitted 2 side windows and then had a go at the windscreen....



Anyway, off to the MOT bay we went, complete with wind through my hair :D

Here is the "to do" list -

001 + 002 - NS and OF headlamp main beam not working (my handy bag of spares has already fixed this one while in the MOT bay)

003 - steering system has excessive free play at the wheel (see below - this is due to some numpty using the wrong bolt and nut - thus ruining the steering arm on the beam too :( ) I got a new steering arm from a bay the garage is breaking:



004 - Intermediate drop arm insecure (tightened in MOT bay)

005 - Offside front chassis rail corroded


006 + 7 - rear suspension sat on bump stops (damn, we lowered it too much :lol: )

008 - leaky rear shock

009 + 10 - front brake hoses rubbing balljoints due to lack of movement.

011 - offside rear drum leaking

012 - Front brake application uneven

013 + 14 - O/S and N/S front brakes binding

015 - offside rear brake no worky

016 - handbrake no worky (O/S)

017 - handbrake inefficiency

018 - front wheels imbalanced.

So that's all then. Most of them are easy fixes, I've booked it in to have the brakes done on monday 11th (I hate Brakes) and I'll be fixing the rest before then, inbetween my A levels. So I should be on the road in a few weeks.

A few more pics: At the garage



MOt ramps:


And back home again :)


More work for me then ;)

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