Welcome to all the new peeps on here 8) 8) 8) Sounds like a nice array of veeee hickles but on here it`s only make believe until we get some pics

Bobster 144 sounds like you have a nice find there but I shan`t comment further until we get them pics up ,,,nudge nudge :mrgreen: Tyg,, sounds like you have found something to keep you occupied this winter but we would love some before and after pics please :mrgreen: Big Bay Bee,, any news yet ? I hope it all went to plan because it usually dosen`t :roll: Plus love the user name too. Jpyfrom <<< what`s that all about ? You can explain that name if you like, l`d love to hear where that came from :lol: As for having a 72 Moonraker, there ain`t much wrong with that 8) I think you`ll find a few on here and they is classed as Early Bay Crossovers and sometimes known as ```Cross Dressers``` but probably the most advanced of the Early Bays, I`ve heard they have weirdo stuff on them like brakes and stuff :shock: :shock: Crazed Dubber,,,, DON`T DO IT :? :shock: :? Once you drive one,, you`ll be hooked .Then you`re in it for keeps and god help your wallet mate :lol: And Nannucci (there`s another interesting user name) Sounds like you should know betterer because you`ve been bit before, but we all look back with rose tinted goggles on and we all regret things we shouldn`t have sold and stuff we should have bought,, but hind sight is 20 - 20 especially when it`s rose tinted :mrgreen:
So big welcome to all, fire away with the questions even if they seem a bit daft, try the search functions as well, chip in when you have a mind to, as you`ve seen,, it`s very friendly on here and that`s how we like it :mrgreen:
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We`re even friendlier if you post pictures up :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: