Hi, I have been browsing on here for a few months now , the advice and pics from others is brilliant and has helped me no end. We bought Monty last summer and he was already re-sprayed on the outside, the inside was very original and in good shape for the age.
I have been working away on loads of smaller jobs: fitting new seal around the pop-top hatch, replacing headlamp flasher solenoid, replacing all the light seals etc etc. We have had a couple of trips or so but have been waiting for the spring this year for more trips.
I am installing a Firetec unit next and some new fuel pipes.
We are going to Volksworld so hoping to see some Earlybay members! 8)
I have been working away on loads of smaller jobs: fitting new seal around the pop-top hatch, replacing headlamp flasher solenoid, replacing all the light seals etc etc. We have had a couple of trips or so but have been waiting for the spring this year for more trips.
I am installing a Firetec unit next and some new fuel pipes.
We are going to Volksworld so hoping to see some Earlybay members! 8)