Ninove 2010 - The Early Bay Bonanza! March 14th

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marcher said:
get your sponge out m8" onclick=";return false;

Not done it today, morning playing lego with Meg, food shopping for a hour or so then down Exmuff for a walk down the beach and a coffee. Tomorrow looks good so maybe. :)
marcher said:
get your sponge out m8" onclick=";return false;

OK just for you.


Im wimping out now on the sleeping in the van bit. My mate phoned this morning saying one of his lot had dropped out due to family commitments and i can have his bed. Cant look a gift horse in the mouth im affraid.
clyde said:
Man up you sure i would only see the hotel for about 4 hours even if i had one and remembered where the bloody hell it was at stupid o clock with i dont no how much beer onboard. You are driving a bed all the way to Belgium would seem a shame not to sleep in it dont yoyu think.

Get a grip. :roll:
I know Clems looking forward to a night in a nice warm and comfy bed..... ;) ;) only joking, everyone to their own.

Oh really m8!!!!!! i thought your were used to "roughing it" :shock: :shock: :shock: LIGHT WEIGHT :lol:
clyde said:
Man up you sure i would only see the hotel for about 4 hours even if i had one and remembered where the bloody hell it was at stupid o clock with i dont no how much beer onboard. You are driving a bed all the way to Belgium would seem a shame not to sleep in it dont yoyu think.

Get a grip. :roll:

Not quite sure what to say following your latest revelation regarding the nice warm comfy bed appearing at the last moment. :roll:

Custard or cream with your large slice of humble pie Sir????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dunno if I'll make it in the bus now, at every turn I've hit a wall. Gonna be right up against it to get it done now. :oops:
Pete B said:
clyde said:
Man up you sure i would only see the hotel for about 4 hours even if i had one and remembered where the bloody hell it was at stupid o clock with i dont no how much beer onboard. You are driving a bed all the way to Belgium would seem a shame not to sleep in it dont yoyu think.

Get a grip. :roll:

Not quite sure what to say following your latest revelation regarding the nice warm comfy bed appearing at the last moment. :roll:

Custard or cream with your large slice of humble pie Sir????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats the last time i show you the good places to rough it... :roll:

Im was going with 5 other people, 1 dropped out which meant i could sleep in my van on my own as the other 4 had rooms booked. Today i get a call saying another has had to drop out which now means a bed is available. Im all for sleeping in the van but if a rooms up for free im up for that as well.
When my mate phoned he convinced me to have the room by passing on some weather information. Apparently its going to be bloody wet and cold.

Dont know about custard or cream, but a mint on my pillow would be nice ;)
Yeah its going to be a cold one chaps!! You'll be needing serious beer coats :shock:

I hope my hotel room has a balcony this year ;)
Can you lot stop talking about an event I can't make anymore :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Can i just get a head count of who's "roughin it" on saturday night???

Has anyone "roughed" it in Ninove b4???

just trying to find somewhere to out the bus down for the night without it being towed or nicked??
Put me on the list Matt, pretty sure 'Mattmaz' and 'karlhsp' are doing the same. Not been before so understand where you are coming from. Someone at work also questioned the possibility of 'Drunk in charge of a motor vehicle' when kipping whilst parked on public roads. Don't know what the local plod are like. If like ours, no problem, not seen one for months :lol:
Well i have goggle earth the area around the T2D's hotel (where i understand the main evening drinking is going to take place) and there's a few large ares of Green belt looking land and also a very large open ait car park.

I'm hoping none of them are locked or chained because they are also very close to the town/bars.

fingers crossed. Cant belive we will be the only gipsy parked up on saturday :lol: :lol:
Me and Karle will be roughing it our vans with our very understanding wives :lol:

I think Karles wife Alice is even more understanding, bearing in mind he has a double cab :shock:

Alternativley, I might just sleep on Ego's hotel room floor?!

I too was wondering about being drunk in charge of a vehicle :?:

I think Liv might have something to say about that :lol: :lol: :lol:
marcher said:
Cant belive we will be the only gipsy parked up on saturday :lol: :lol:

No, I will be there too. :mrgreen:
No hotel room booked.

I will join the english convoy on the highway between Calais and Dunkerque, saturday morning.
Im sure the same rules apply

Leave the keys in the dash or out of the way someplace and then they are not on your person and you cant be done for "in charge of a"

Had this before and got away with it on these grounds, its the only help i can give and its the way i always play it.

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