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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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I,m early bay mad & regularly come on this forum although it,s rare I post.
I,m sat here with my leg in plaster after some of the worst few days of my life, I never ever thought this would happen to me, check the link out please, sorry for being lazy but my chin is well on the floor, lots of hard work ahead when I,m fit.
Thanks Andy
shit fella....

have to admit though you'll be lucky to see that back on the road as has been said is likely the insurer will cat B it......

not want you want to hear, but you may be fortunate.....
Bummer .. sorry to see that mate ..

Im sure its many of our worst fears ..

Hope everything turns out good in the end and Poe rolls again ..

stitch a new (used) front from fbi on it and it will be back on the road. as for the bones, its a shame vans dont heal themselves as well.
ianscooby said:
Gutted for you :cry: :cry: , my wife wants to know is the women driver still alive :?:
My girlfriend jumped out & hurled abuse at her from 6 yards away, adrenalin made me jump out the passenger door I shouted abuse at her (I,m ashamed to say) the hit the deck as my foot was broken in 4 places my left knee was bashed but this was just like a dead leg sort of thing.
It,s hard to express how I felt sat on the road as the electrics smouldered under the dash but I could,nt move, motorists assisted me on the floor & my girlfriend had the brains to kill the ignition.
The lady driver approx mid 40,s seemed unaware of the destruction she had caused to my van no emotion or anything said not even the face to try & apolagise, when she starts getting bills for things she will realise though.
non dubbers just cant appretiate how much a dub means. no insurance ever sorts it properly.take as much money as they offer you and find a decent body shop. or do it your self and pocket the cash. good luck with it. your van looks great
andewilson said:
non dubbers just cant appretiate how much a dub means. no insurance ever sorts it properly.take as much money as they offer you and find a decent body shop. or do it your self and pocket the cash. good luck with it. your van looks great
Steve Nolan is very local to me, I don,t know him & he don,t know me but I,m gonna see what he thinks, if he rekons he can do it then i,ll let him, I want a proper job, Me & my father could do it but my head is in bits at the moment.
:shock: that looks pretty nasty :cry: im totally gutted for you! :cry:

That van was too nice, and deserves to be back on the road! i'm glad you were both ok in the end, thats the most important thing!

You can alway fix metal and you'll be back on your feet in a few months.
Glad to hear you are both ok, always a shame to see a nice bus looking sorry for it self. You will get it back to how you want it.

Just to make you feel better I have put a before and after picture of my old split....it had had a front end smash and I got it back on the road.

Good Luck, keep us all posted.



I can't believe she didn't even say sorry. How long will your foot take to heal?

I hope everything goes ok dude :)
Shiiiiiiiiit . Hope you get better soon and judging by old POES before pics she'll be back on the road in time. Good luck to you and your girlfriend.
Gutted for ya mate but glad you are both relatively ok and ya bus'll be fixed I'm sure.

I know someone locally who had a front ender in his bay and it worked out very differently for him :(
Lost his bus and leg....
I feel so gutted for you but likes others have already said your life is worth a lot more than an old VW.
You can replace the van but not you or your girlfriend.

I so hope you get OLD POE back on the road and shall watch with interest.

Not wanting to sound like an old fart but things like this highlight the fact that our old VW's don't really stand up compaired to modern cars when a collision takes place.

I appreciate that you couldn't have done anything to avoid the accident and that you were 100% not to blame but imagine if your van was slammed to the deck. Looking at the photos it would have been a lot worse than a break, you may have lost your leg as the impact would have been higher.

Yes we all want our old vw's to look cool but at the same time think about the safety issues.

Sh%t, i hate it when people remind me just how fragile the fronts of these are, its a like a lot of things like this its more than often not your fault but someone else's.
The thing is that when you drive something this old you appreciate the fact its not as strong in a crash as say a volvo and drive accordingly but that does'nt stop everyone else doing the opposite, thats it im off to part ex my bus for a hummer :lol:
Always feel that our reduction in speed cancels out the lack of crumple zones etc but when you see a front panel stoved in like that it is scary. Glad to hear you'll both be OK and don't be too hard on the loon who drove into you- she is a loon and can't help it and would only apologise if she suddenly had a moment of clarity, realised the truth and faced up to her own loonness.

A similar character drove off a central reservation into me and then started cuddling my wife! After the coppers restrained me I had to listen to the loon blaming me for the crash. One plod pointed out that I would have to have been doing 110mph for his tale to be true but he still argued and, as a result, got done for dangerous driving.

Lots of points and a big fine which served the tosser right.
andy mate gutted for you :(........ did you have agreed value?

Anything is fixable as peeps on this forum prove time and time again, keep up posted and get that leg on the mend


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