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Ands1 said:
I don,t want to disclose the restorer or the cost just yet (I,m sure people can appreciate why)

Perfectly understandable!

Ands1 said:
got a letter from the RAC (they appointed 2 cornish reccovery companies to take us home) & they have comfirmed her insurance company have paid all the recovery costs without hesitation.

That's a good sign! keep us posted mate & stay off that foot :wink:
- Rob[/quote]
Tomorrow is D day :? I,ve phoned the insurance after I re sent the quote with break down of labour costs etc, they have received it & it,s now in the hands of the assesing engineers, they've advised me to phone tomorrow afternoon when they'll have a yes or no answer.In all honesty I'm cacking myself, I feel really nervous, hopefully it'll be good news.
Fingers crossed Andy
Good luck mate, be thinking of you tomorrow afternoon, let us now how you get on,
good luck tommorrow matey.fingers and everything else crossed that this sad story will have a happy ending.
Guess what :?: I phoned, the lady said "just one minute Mr Lees" I was then put on hold for ages, she came back & admitted that they can,t get hold of the assesor as he's out assesing cars :lol:
So I've to phone back tomorrow, I've got the assesors mobile number here which my insurance company has got, I,m not sure whether to phone him or not, as I don,t want to myther him or catch him in a bad mood where he decides to write her off...
someone crunched the door on my golf and i had to buy loads of bits to put it back to standard so an insurance assesor could take a look at it. it sat at vw for two weeks before the assesor rang up and got one of the mechanics to take a mobile phone pic of it so he could assess it that may :evil: . i wasnt best pleased at the time, but the day you get your van back even better than it was already will be well worth the wait
looking at the pics as big as they look on here you should get it sorted,quite a bit of work there but not an imposable job,hope you get the news you want from the insurance firm and your van gets put back to her former glory.steve.
Not good news :cry: My worst fears were comfirmed yesterday my insurance company will not entertain paying the repair bill. I phoned the assesor who has been arguing with my insurance
The assesor advised me to go to her insurance company claim directly against them, which I have done so the process starts all over again. My insurance company won,t do this (what do you pay insurance for these days?) Her insurance are aware of my injury & the situation I've been/still am in. I,m not going to give up here.
My work colleuges noticed a bit of a mood swing in me yesterday :oops: something I thought I would,nt show,
Feel down but old Poe will go again, anyone know how I stand legally against her insurance with them payin out?
Thats a boo dooder, hope all is sorted soon 8)
:cry: Totally gutted for you fella.

Try citezens advice for info about claiming direct . Ive used them once before for some advice and they were really helpful
I'm gonna withdraw this post. I had a stinking head cold when I wrote it and I'm not sure it sounded how I meant it to. :(

I really hope you get the van fixed up ok, it looks worth fighting for. I'm sure you'll get it sorted once you're back on your feet :)

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