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Thanks for everyones words of encouragement, I,ve had a proper look at the van in my garage today, the roof has a couple of kinks :( the floors have gone :( & even the bucket the driver sits on has twisted over a bit so I,m abit upset - but I,m still hopefull all this could be replaced or staraightened out. I,m desperate for this van to roll again as she was my keeper, don,t get me wrong I,m no soft touch but this has really upset me, firstly for me & Helen getting out more or less without serious injury & secondly just standing in my garage on crutches staring at the mess of my once (to me anyway) perfect van & all the happy times & places we,ve been in the 2 & 1/2 years of ownership. I could,nt bare stripping her down for parts & watching as she gets dragged away for scrap, this really would cut through me.
Really sorry to hear about this dood, get well soon and lets hope the van is on the road again without to much hassle 8)
you just need to put the strongest case to your insurance Co.... also has the assessor been round yet?

may be worth a chat with him?

and if hes put his report in and its unfavourable then get a second opinion, the more you fight the more it costs them after all they want an end the the situation asap......


good luck
sad for you matey. hope everything works out with the insurance company.at least your both gonna be ok.
Just a little update.
I,m feeling a lot better after the insurance inspector came yesterday, he was a bit difficult at first as I said
"you,ve not come to break my heart have you?" to which he replied
"I,m here to do what I,ve got to do" Oh bugger I thought to myself :shock:
Any way I opened the garge door & his attitude changed to being a really friendly talkative bloke he then said
"I,m not gonna right her off, get yourself quotes from proper VW restorers"
:D :D :D but I kept my cool.
I think the whole resto bill will be passed onto the other drivers insurance. Probably would be a different story if the accident had been my fault.
I,ve been in contact with a couple of restorers who want pictures so thats my job for today. I don,t want to get to excited as it could all still go wrong but I,m feeling so much better.
Regards Andy
You should be ok with that.....

so the bus is valued at 9K, I cant remember what % before they deem it beyond economical repair....

looking like she may roll again, hope your broken bits are feeling better....
oh man - I'm gutted for ya - you must be heart broken. people don't understand, its not just a vehicle you can assign a price to.I hope you & G/f are well soon and that POE survives! fight tooth and nail for it mate, insurance is a business but Volkies are much more than that!
well its better news than you expected, and you got a valuation, ive seen alot better written off hope your foot is on the mend as well :wink:
just sat n read this whole thread from start to finnish.its a sad story :( Glad you n your missus are ok and there is a little sunshine on the horizen.Hope you get the money your owed and the front of old poe is fixed within budget. will be ready for camping again for the start of next season :mrgreen:
OK I got 3 days of holidays before the crash so not many pictures, heres me with Poe proud as can be on Sennan cove after a couple of hours on the bodyboard.

Then the last photo of Poe before the accident overlooking Praa Sands, theres me in the cab thinking shall I hit the waves, in the end I did but it was a big mistake as the sea & weather was evil, kicked the girlfriend out in the nasty weather to take this one :lol:

Last one of where the accident happened, I was on the left side of the road near the second white line (middle of road white line) when the volvo steamed straight over the bend & ended my holidays :cry: :cry:

Thanks Andy
ant said:
first 2 pics are cool as...

any repair news yet dude ??
Hi Ant,
I,ve had a quote from 1 company & the second company whose interested in repairing her want a couple more pictures,
I,ve then got to nag the insurance company to get it all sorted. I,m hell bent on gettin her rolling again. I know the excellent quality of work from the bloke who I want to do the work, she,ll end up better than ever fingers crossed all goes occording to plan :wink:
Hows old Franks engine now?
That's rough :(

POE looks great in the holiday pics, hopefully this is just part of the roller coaster of ownership and will seem like a distant memory the next time the two of you take POE to the beach after he's fixed up.

Best of luck with getting back on the road asap...
Doris said:
Hi andy,
got anyone in mind / any news yet for the ressurection of POE?
I,ve got a written quote here to send off to my insurance who will submit it to her insurance. I don,t want to disclose the restorer or the cost just yet (I,m sure people can appreciate why) but he is a very very good bloke who has his own VW workshop & has restored VW,s to show standard, the quote includes new roof, headlining, full cab, panel etc, re wire, & full respray.
Just got a questionaire from the police about the accident so I think they are investigating / taking it further with regards to the lady driver of the other vehicle, also got a letter from the RAC (they appointed 2 cornish reccovery companies to take us home) & they have comfirmed her insurance company have paid all the recovery costs without hesitation.
Will anyone know if her insurance will pay the repair bill if it is slightly more than the value of the vehicle? all I want is old Poe as she was & back on the road, why should she be written off when it was,nt my fault?
My solicitor has also started proceedings in recovering compensation for my broken foot, loss of earnings etc etc so i,ll have to sit tight, dig me heels in & hang onto me hat as I can see a bit of a battle ahead..
I appreciate you don't want to nmae the restorer, however naming could give some positive or nagative feedback on them.

The reason I say this is living in the North West you tend to know the cowboys.

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