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Good on ya for going air all round - should give you a very smooth ride 8)
sounds great, always look fwd to your updates :D who have you got doing the work now then?
gninnam said:
Good on ya for going air all round - should give you a very smooth ride 8)

68_early_bay said:
Looking forward to seeing this foz :mrgreen:

r73 said:
sounds great, always look fwd to your updates :D who have you got doing the work now then?

Thanks a lot guys!
As for who is doing the work this time round
It's these guys:

Part of the DTA group who all know their stuff when it comes to aircooled and lowering and stuff.
The latest Hayburner magazine featured one of their project's which made the front cover, check it out if you haven't already.

In ACE we trust! ;)

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Quick update:
As of yesterday evening and completely unexpectedly 'Aircooled Engineering' have pulled the pin on fitting my air suspension to the rear for one reason or another.

Annoying to say the least as I'd just forked out £30 for next day delivery on the parts, which are due to be delivered this morning and to which I now have to drive over and collect at some point.

Right now I'm obviously disappointed by their decision and feeling a bit deflated and let down (if youll excuse the puns ;))
But there is a 'Ray' of hope.....

Just waiting to hear off Rayvern Hydraulics over the next few days to see if he can re-schedule me in, as I was originally going there to have this fitted on 27th of this month, but he has a shit load of work on, and is going to struggle now to fit me in before Volksworld, which was my original target.

Here stands testimant to the highs and lows of having air ride fitted!! :lol:

--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!
Gutted for you :(
It's shocking :!: how some companies do business.

Hope that ray of sunshine does appear for you ;)
gninnam said:
Gutted for you :(
It's shocking :!: how some companies do business.

Hope that ray of sunshine does appear for you ;)

Mark6455 said:
Oh no foz not again
Hope the guys come through for you

I know....youd think I be making this shit up right? :|
You couldnt write it!! :evil:

God I wish I had my own workshop. .....that would be the end of relying on vw specialists ever again!!

But that aint happening so I just gotta hope Rayvern comes through for me this time....and not just talks a good job!!
Updates to follow, but ive now resided myself to not getting this completed for a while, until I can find someone reliable and true to their word. :(

--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!
If Rayvern can't do it asap you would be better off waiting till he can, he has been doing it for over 20 years. He has had a beetle called the joker and he did a split bus years ago.
radish said:
If Rayvern can't do it asap you would be better off waiting till he can, he has been doing it for over 20 years. He has had a beetle called the joker and he did a split bus years ago.

Yeh thats my thinking now radish. I'll just wait till he is able to do it. He said he will try again to sort me out....fingers crossed. :roll:

--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!
Olive went in at the weekend for some much needed bodywork touch ups, in preparation for Volksworld.

I got rained off work today, so took the opportunity to go see how things were progressing. .......

She currently has a more patina look to her right now, lol.




So I miss taking her to Dub Freeze this weekend but hopefully worth it.

More updates to follow. .......

--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!
Looking good mate - just make sure you avoid those MASSIVE RED CONES on the way down to the Volksworld show!

I wont be waiting down there with a nice tub of wax!
StuF said:
Looking good mate - just make sure you avoid those MASSIVE RED CONES on the way down to the Volksworld show!

I wont be waiting down there with a nice tub of wax!

:lol: :lol: So I like to rearrange the odd cone or 2 on my travels....no biggie! :msn4:
Looking forward to seeing your bus in the metal Foz at VoWo 14. I got lots to do on mine until the show I hate deadlines but I got every crossed to meet this one!! I'll see you there on the Friday ;)
Bay-low71 said:
Looking forward to seeing your bus in the metal Foz at VoWo 14. I got lots to do on mine until the show I hate deadlines but I got every crossed to meet this one!! I'll see you there on the Friday ;)

I'll see you at Dub Freeze before then Ben, your on Show n Shine there buddy?? Catch up with you then :cool:

gvee said:
Saw your bus in UltraVW this morning in a cheeky pic from the DTA cruise 8)

Nice one George!. Not got a sneaky pic of the pic have you mate?

--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!
Foz said:
Bay-low71 said:
Looking forward to seeing your bus in the metal Foz at VoWo 14. I got lots to do on mine until the show I hate deadlines but I got every crossed to meet this one!! I'll see you there on the Friday ;)

I'll see you at Dub Freeze before then Ben, your on Show n Shine there buddy??

--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!

It's my boys 4th birthday on Sunday so unable to attend Dubfreeze, bus yet to be MOT'D mid March on the road... After Red 9 install....
Last minute.com
keep smiling buddy ;)
Ah right Ben, no worries. Crack on and I'll see you at VoWo end of March :D

--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!
Some progress pics sent to me from the bodyshop today. Its not looking a very good match colourwise :lol:

Work on Olive is being done in between their normal jobs, fitted in as and when they can, so its going to take a little longer than normal....but most importantly finished in time for Volksworld!





--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!

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