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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2008
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I've recently acquired a '69 deluxe micro from the states, the van is in original paint, rough round the edges a few scrapes here and there - but appears to be relatively sound. Exception being cab floor and battery tray.

Could anyone give advice on possibly polishing the paint up a bit? or is this not a good idea? It also has a few patches that appear to be mild surface rust so is it possible to preserve the look with wax etc?

Basically I want to run the van the way it is assuming there are no show stoppers with the welding + MOT work but don't want the van to deteriorate any further.

try Meguairs clay bar (amazing stuff - removes the crud you can't see) then 3 stage deep crystal treatment - 1.cleaner (preps th epaint) 2.polish (removes fine scratches and gives a shine) 3.Wax (to protect from the elements)
or Autoglym Super resin polish (cleaner and polish) and Extra gloss protection (sealant,synthetic version of wax)

If you wanted it at its best then a full machine rotary polish is the way to go - brilliant shine but can't be done that often as it removes a microscopic layer of paint and if its OG then it'll be thinner than a re spray job . The above are readily available from the likes of Halfruads etc and should give you noticable results and protection.
Agree with the above essentially. Lots of protective waxing after cleaning to seal and protect .... and if you strip it out and ensure the insides of the panels are coated in Waxoyl or Ankor Wax, then your safe(ish) from the tin-worm.
Thanks for the replies.

I'm assuming with my van having rust it won't be made anyworse by putting on the above treatments? as long as I apply this ankor wax afterwards. Also what are the directions for application of the wax- thick, thin every couple of months, once a year?

As for the underside would you recommend POR15? I have been told this comes in a clear form not like underseal and is supposed to be the best around. Obviously this may be down to personnel opinion but any further advice would be appreciated.

Not a fan of POR15 it was always hit and miss adhesion for me :( ,

try KBS sealants instead you can get them at therustshop.com, run by Simon's Hall's Missus.

I believe KBS are ex employees of POR15, who went out on their own with a superior product. I've just bought aload of KBS stuff for my van and will let you know how i get on with it.
just got the body roller but have a few holes to fix and havent removed the belly pans yet :lol: , as long as its not too rotten itll be in chassis paint soon
craigB said:
Thanks for the replies.

I'm assuming with my van having rust it won't be made anyworse by putting on the above treatments? as long as I apply this ankor wax afterwards. Also what are the directions for application of the wax- thick, thin every couple of months, once a year?

As for the underside would you recommend POR15? I have been told this comes in a clear form not like underseal and is supposed to be the best around. Obviously this may be down to personnel opinion but any further advice would be appreciated.


Internal cavaties probably only need waxing once really, if done well.

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