Photos of inside of sliding door please

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2009
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We have a 1972 crossover Devon Moonraker please would someone post close up photos of the latch end and the opposite end. Basically where the two cut outs in the door card are.

Hi. Are these any good for you? I can take them closer if you need?



Doug :D
thanks Doug thats just what I needed and thought. What are the plastic mouldings called and do you know where they can be bougyt as the previous owner kindly painted them on our bus with runs of white paint.
Do you mean the actual door card? If you do then it would just be known as the sliding door trim panel.
Or is it the black plastic trims above that you mean? These are specific to the microbus/deluxe buses, and are probably only obtainable 'used' from scrapped buses.

If it is the sliding door trim panels you mean, then see the link below." onclick=";return false;

I hope this helps.

Doug :)
Hello all. I have a couple of questions related to this thread.

When I bought my bus, it was missing that little piece of plastic trim three-quarters of the way up the sliding door, just below the window. I found one from a guy who was parting out his bus, along with the metal unit that goes behind the plastic trim and connects down behind the panel to the door handle/latch. I can see from your pictures here how it's all supposed to look, which is great.

But I'm puzzled:

1. Does anyone know what that whole mechanism *is*? What is it supposed to do? It would also be great if you could post an even closer picture so I could see if I have all the hardware I need.

2. Do you have any advice on fixing a sliding door lock that won't work? The lock knob has some spring in it, but it just won't move the little bar forward to keep the door from opening. Could this be related to my question No. 1?


PTF said:
When I bought my bus, it was missing that little piece of plastic trim three-quarters of the way up the sliding door, just below the window. I found one from a guy who was parting out his bus, along with the metal unit that goes behind the plastic trim and connects down behind the panel to the door handle/latch.

1. Does anyone know what that whole mechanism *is*? What is it supposed to do?


that metal device (under the plastic trim in Doug's pic) bolted to the door is what we'll call the 'fixed catch'.

now go outside the bus,under the rear window,look at the locking mechanism under the sliding track cover,you will see a little spring loaded catch with a hook pointing forward.we'll call that the 'spring loaded catch'

So, when the sliding door is opened fully, the little rectangle hole on the fixed catch,runs into the hook on the spring loaded catch,thereby holding the door open!

Regarding the rod that runs down from the fixed catch,into the top of the door handle mechanism...When the sliding door is held open as described above & you operate the outside door handle by pulling it down,it pulls on the little rod,releases the hook on the spring loaded catch from holding onto the fixed catch and allows you to slide the door closed.

hope that makes sense :? :)
It does make sense! First mystery solved. Thanks so much.

Now I wonder: Any advice on how to fix the lock on that door? I'm hesitant to start tearing apart the whole handle/latch mechanism if it's really difficult or even impossible to fix.

Thanks for your PM, Pete.

I don't think there is anything I can really help you with, regarding the 'techy' stuff, but hopefully you'll get any remain problems answered soon.

If you haven't already done so, it might be worth having a search in this section, as I'm sure I've seen other threads on the subject. :)

ymfb said:
thanks Doug thats just what I needed and thought. What are the plastic mouldings called and do you know where they can be bought

not sure of the exact description, but the part number for the plastic piece that goes over the fixed catch is 224.843.697 B

I can't give you the other side as I don't have one - still looking for one myself!

here is one I found for sale on ebay....." onclick=";return false;

hope that all helps!

cheers - Rob
Spent a whole chunk of last Sunday sorting out the sliding door on our bus and found this really useful:" onclick=";return false;

Some of it is a bit different as it's a late bay but still lots of good info.

For the lock that doesn't work, does the handle lift home and a lock both front and rear catches? And does it work on the key from the outside?

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