I've had a bit of a weekend, I've changed my old 34 ICT's with blocked emulsion tubes for a pair of new ones and now the bus won't run.
I set both carbs up to an 0.008 gap between the butterfly and carb wall, 11/2 turns on the idle screws, and 21/2 turns on the mixture screws and bolted them on. Connected everything back up and set the linkage up so they're both synchronized.
Won't start!
Kept adjusting the throttle stop screws until it finally started, about 31/2 - 4 turns out.
Tried adjusting the mixture but it won't idle unless the mixture screws are turned right in. Now it won't respond to the throttle without popping and banging.
Both carbs are jetted exactly as the old ones, but can't get the bugger to run, let alone pull off the drive.....
Any suggestions?
I set both carbs up to an 0.008 gap between the butterfly and carb wall, 11/2 turns on the idle screws, and 21/2 turns on the mixture screws and bolted them on. Connected everything back up and set the linkage up so they're both synchronized.
Won't start!
Kept adjusting the throttle stop screws until it finally started, about 31/2 - 4 turns out.
Tried adjusting the mixture but it won't idle unless the mixture screws are turned right in. Now it won't respond to the throttle without popping and banging.
Both carbs are jetted exactly as the old ones, but can't get the bugger to run, let alone pull off the drive.....
Any suggestions?