Well-known member
So I've had an issue with stalling on idle - not idling on the drive, that's fine! - it's after driving and slowing to a stop it dies - refuses to reproduce the problem on my drive
I've put a replacement carb as well as dizzy and leads, plugs e.t.c. - set it up as per bentley and the volkswagen guide site with 2.5 turns out on the small screw but makes no difference, if I set it up to about 3.5 turns on the small screw and adjust the larger inwards to get revs to ~850 then this is much better,
Question is - is this masking the issue (whatever it might be - changed carb, dizzy, leads, plugs e.t.c.) or is the 2.5 turns out on the smaller screw a rough guide or a strict rule? Just after some input into how others have setup their carbs as I'd hate to be hiding the idling issue
I've put a replacement carb as well as dizzy and leads, plugs e.t.c. - set it up as per bentley and the volkswagen guide site with 2.5 turns out on the small screw but makes no difference, if I set it up to about 3.5 turns on the small screw and adjust the larger inwards to get revs to ~850 then this is much better,
Question is - is this masking the issue (whatever it might be - changed carb, dizzy, leads, plugs e.t.c.) or is the 2.5 turns out on the smaller screw a rough guide or a strict rule? Just after some input into how others have setup their carbs as I'd hate to be hiding the idling issue