Sign writing

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2007
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I am chewing the idea of signwriting over at the mo.BUT i'll be buggered if I can think of what to put on me bus.SO im throwing it to the floor (if you see what i mean)
Anyone out there got any ideas ? I realy dont know what to do.Also the best way of going about doing it once i've got my theme. :roll:
Go for an old fashioned style of writing as it looks more classy and fits with the age of your van. There are plenty out there, usually tucked away in the corner of a village or something.

As for the actual writing, just think of maybe something that means something to you and play around wth it on paint. (or just google image the name or statement and see what comes up) :wink:

If i had a panel it would definately be written with some kind of cider reference, but i guess you would all know that :roll: :wink:
I may sign write the old school Pepsi logo on my cab doors (i'm replacing them later this year so i may as well) as my bus is blue..

Like this..

Would it be wrong to put the k.d.f. motto.I.E. KRAFT DURCH FREUDE.
Just grasping at straws.But myself I dont "hang" any issues to it Particularly or am i just being a bit niave.
To be honest fella if that prayed on anyones mind they shouldnt be driving a fecking vw full stop....

The KDF was a fantastic political concept and in its own way did a lot of good albeit with the ultimate aim of producing good loyal NAZIs....

However I kinda think yer knocking on the wrong era for the bus and it may look a tad naff and contrived...trying to make a statement yet failing to flick the right switches..... trying to offend or gain a reaction yet not particularly aimed at anyone in particular
I see what you mean about era.But as fer flicking switch's im not trying or care about reactions.But I must admit I do admire the ethos that was there in the start.I mean no government has done anything as close as "cars for the masses"
But thats digressing.I still kinda like the idea of HOT WHEELS but im sure its been done :roll:
I'm going to paint the Duff Beer logo on mine befor it goes into paint.
Or maybe Cock Piss Partridge?
I have an awesome book about sign written vans and shop signs. I cant remember the title now but i got it from the Works bookshop a few weeks ago. lots of inspiration.
Remember its gonna say a lot about you want it to say something fairly positive wether its in a jocular manner or not....look into yourself and find something that you want to portray...and remember you cant make everyone happy just as long as you are, someone will undoubtedly turn there nose up and mutter twat under there breath :lol: play around with ideas and selecta etc.... have a look at others like monkey spinners etc (granted his is business driven)....
Ive always liked nose cone art.And i have got a bookfull of it.But i kinda think thats a splitty thing i dunno but i feel they carry the era thing more.As was said above.But my better half does have her own company
"The retro Badge company" I was toying with that and a catchphrase/logo maybe ?
There you go fella instant sign "The retro badge Co." advertising built in...
should look quite good fella....
Sorry being the KNOB head that i am i got it wrong its even better "THE OLD SKOOL BADGE COMPANY"
NADZ said:
Sorry being the KNOB head that i am i got it wrong its even better "THE OLD SKOOL BADGE COMPANY"

Now you're talking - I think you've just answered your own question!

The Old Skool Badge Company - I like it (and you'd win major brownie points with your GF! 8) 8)

Id win even more if the feckin thing was runnin. :lol:
Oh and by the way i better plug her Company while im here.Cause she does do some seriously KOOL badges.VW's,Girly's,Mary-jane,K.D.F.Satan,Rock,Metal,Punk,Fetish,Hot rods,Betty page I mean anything you gotta see this stuff :lol: Sorry for the shameless plug :wink:
NADZ said:
Id win even more if the feckin thing was runnin. :lol:
Oh and by the way i better plug her Company while im here.Cause she does do some seriously KOOL badges.VW's,Girly's,Mary-jane,K.D.F.Satan,Rock,Metal,Punk,Fetish,Hot rods,Betty page I mean anything you gotta see this stuff :lol: Sorry for the shameless plug :wink:

Now you've got our attention you really ought to get some photo's up!

If you wanna see go over to sales and wanted dont wanna upset the modds :wink: I put some of her work on there chaps
Seriously conidering signwriting on my Panel Van but want to find links to pictures of as Easy said vans and trucks in early seventies with writing on , Anyone :?:
Try this its a transport festival in Leyland Lancs yes where the cars came from . Alot of period vehicles have the sign writing too . Im sure you could use some of there LOGOs and they look better on a Bay :D

BUT rememeber You can fake sign writing etc But 1 or 2 may think you have ruined your bus as Its a big thing to paint Logos down the side and then for you NOT 2 LIKE IT :shock:

I hope this helps
there are some cool sign written busses in the '60 years of the bulli' book, its a catalogue of all the buses that featured at the anniversary in germany. ill check mine tomorrow see if there are any worth scanning.