so long earlybay

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shiplee123 said:
I agree with des
I'm not into this to have a show bus
I just wonna have good times with my family on days out and camping trips
I didn't realise there was a growing trend of idiots ?

So you have to be an idiot to be into/enjoy the show scene?
Thats a pretty idiotic statement in itself if you ask me......

Own a Bay?......Feel the love!
Horses for Courses lads.

If its not enjoyable anymore, get out. That's my philosophy.
Saw your bus for the first time at Stanford Hall John - was amazing seeing the hydraulics in action. Shame you are taking a step away from the community as variety of the people involved gives it a cool dynamic, it would be pretty boring if everyone was the same.

As a relative newbie to the ownership of an EarlyBay I am far from "Old School" however we have been welcomed warmly at the meets/shows we have been to so far. Shows have been the primary method of getting to know like minded owners and learning about buses. Without the EarlyBay site and visiting shows we wouldnt have been in a position to confidently travel around and through europe in the bus.

I have not felt any move towards elitism and I am firm believer that the buses are to be used as they were designed for -although demographics of owners change inline with the prices they fetch. Some people lavish great sums of money on these vehicles and although I have heard all the stories of Bay Window buses costing £200 in the not too distant past that is not the case anymore. They are now more often than not expensive pleasure vehicles that the owners cherish. Shiny or not. :msn4:
I know we do! 8)

We havent noticed any idiots amongst the earlybayers at any of the shows we have been to - unless I am one of them :lol:
Crikey the Vzi lot have even become tamer and more adult.

Good luck with the future and if we see you knocking about at any venues in the future we will pop over and say hello (with a Stella of course :D )

Stu & Clare
don't know you but your post makes you sound like a drama queen lol :roll: you need some perspective.......some poor guy in London had his head hacked off by an extremist nutcase today!
I meet jon the horse and mrs horse for the first time at Stanford hall and I don't suffer fools gladly, but I liked bot of them I always thought the whole vw thing was about doing what you wanted and being free.

respect to all forum users

its sunny here so im off out in the bus not going anywhere just going to enjoy driving it cos that's why I bought mine to use it

lobie :D
Lovely lovely curtains so many to choose from blue green red yellow purple black orange even beige mmmmm time to come over to the dark side ssvc. We,ll be waiting for you !! (Got some duck tape to put put down middle of ya screen) make you feel more at home xx
I'm glad John's gone.

I still haven't forgotten the time he changed his trousers in front of me while I had a Jager hangover.

StuF said:
Saw your bus for the first time at Stanford Hall John - was amazing seeing the hydraulics in action. Shame you are taking a step away from the community as variety of the people involved gives it a cool dynamic, it would be pretty boring if everyone was the same.

As a relative newbie to the ownership of an EarlyBay I am far from "Old School" however we have been welcomed warmly at the meets/shows we have been to so far. Shows have been the primary method of getting to know like minded owners and learning about buses. Without the EarlyBay site and visiting shows we wouldnt have been in a position to confidently travel around and through europe in the bus.

I have not felt any move towards elitism and I am firm believer that the buses are to be used as they were designed for -although demographics of owners change inline with the prices they fetch. Some people lavish great sums of money on these vehicles and although I have heard all the stories of Bay Window buses costing £200 in the not too distant past that is not the case anymore. They are now more often than not expensive pleasure vehicles that the owners cherish. Shiny or not. :msn4:
I know we do! 8)

We havent noticed any idiots amongst the earlybayers at any of the shows we have been to - unless I am one of them :lol:
Crikey the Vzi lot have even become tamer and more adult.

Good luck with the future and if we see you knocking about at any venues in the future we will pop over and say hello (with a Stella of course :D )

Stu & Clare

very astute post ;)

Crikey the Vzi lot have even become tamer and more adult.

i'm assuming its because they got rid of most of the knob-end moderators with the change of management?
dear all i had somebody tell me whats been said on here and so i place my last post to clear up any confusion.

When i said paint and curtain its wasnt pointed towards anybody , it was a metaphor, what i meant was , and its only my view and not to be taken personally that im not a fan of people giving there ill felt opinions of our bus and or behavior , when even though i respect other types of bus user i wouldnt neccessaraly do or act the way they do, i have never given an opinion towards any said types of people , and so what gives them the right at shows, when im with good friends and family to give their spiteful and quite rude opinion of us. and so.

I respect all types of people and what you want to do with your life and van is cool with me.

I have had people at three outta the last four shows we have been to upset my mrs and piss me off i dont mean drunken behavior and or noise thats not the issue at all , just plain rudeness and so much so we are moving in a different direction, it got to the point that we were not going to do any more shows in the bus and were seriously thinking of selling. we are keeping the bus purely so our little boy can enjoy in the future.
And so i stand by what i said about this site that it is really helpful as are all the folks on here, i know like in life it takes all sorts , and likewise on here,

so i bid ya all farewell and just keep rolling.

lock this thread please

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