Stolen Van - Kent Area

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Staff member
Oct 5, 2006
Reaction score

Highly restored chianti red Devon deluxe. As shown.

Please keep eyes peeled!
Sh*t Mike,

Thats very bad news m8. So sorry to hear.

I'll (of course) keep my eyes WIDE open for yours m8 :cry: :cry: :cry:

take care

I really feel for you, I would be gutted if it was my van.

I really hope that you get it back and that they catch the robbing scum that took it.

I have posted the link on FB and have sent it to all my VW friends.
Thanks all. Your support, efforts to help and kind words are much appreciated.

There's a new photo on the other thread in the main section with this image...


Could this have been part of my lock which I guess they smashed?
No news, sorry.

Next door had some cctv coverage of a dubious motor but despite promises have not given me the footage. The Police have promised to look at cctv locally but have not got back to me and have not asked where the coverage promised from next door is. Useless!

All I can add is the advice to consider tracking devices, removing batteries, installing those bollards you can put in concrete etc but in the end if the crooks want a van I guess they'll take it one way or another.
I was hoping you'd have some good news Mike. Sorry you haven't but fingers crossed still.
bertiethebus said:
^^^wtf ?? :shock:

Not sur if you are referring to the above posting but I can assure you that Delilah's magnablinds are among the items nicked with the van. It's a key way of identifying the van as it has no curtains. How many Devon DeLuxe Tintop Crossovers are there without curtains? - not many! Thanks for your message Lizzie!
Nah mike there war two posts from a spammer which have been removed! Really ramdon shite, bad form for some tosser to post junk in this of all threads :evil:

Did the police have any joy on ANPR?
Sounds about right! I remember when the police were a force,not namby pamby, public puppets from the pro criminal, woe be tide joe public who takes the law into his own hands club :evil:
As long as ive a hole in my arse this government wont sort it out!
Rant over, fingers still crossed for ya dude ;)
Have you managed to see the CCTV footage as yet Mike?

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