stupid things non vw fans have said to you

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i was chatting to a neighbour this morning, explaining i was selling the 2 buses i have, he first asked if i was upgrading to one with a split front window :lol: , and then asked if the westy had a porsche engine :lol: cue the , its a really easy job, my mate used to have.......................
hailfrank said:
at a car show a student type walked past and commented why hippies drove nazi vehicles!


He does sound like a twat.

Not sure about your banner though dude, pretty brave of you on here. Funny though, but YOU ARE WRONG :lol: :mrgreen: EARLY's rule :D
some blokey looked in the engine bay and smirked! Does that have one or two hamsters running round in the big wheel at the back? :roll: :lol:
'I saw a van like yours the other day, its was white, do you know the owner?'

YES i know everyone that drives a camper, tosser :evil:
ground hugger said:
"Are you going to lacquer it,when its finished" :roll:
And one of the neighbours said "I've come to the conclusion,by the time you've finished it petrol will have dryed up" :lol:

Lovin' this thread and I've been told a lot of these remarks, the one I hated the most was this tosser who came up to me and said: "You're not gonna be able to drive it cause all the filler on it makes too heavy"
Thought I was gonna kill him right there, I just put spraying filler on and was sanding it down....

Honestly, if you dunno what you're talking about shut the hell up :sick0019:
Knock at the door {at least 5 times now } "How much do you want for that old van?" :shock:
I can haul that off for you , if you want :evil:

Thinking of putting a "NOT FOR SALE" sign on it :lol:
he's a few from my mate, who owns a l200 warrier and a zxr636rr

this is when i first brought a beetle he said "i hope its fast because it looks shit" i then showed him the engine "f$%king hell ! is that it ?"

i was driving down my street and a young lad pointed and said "what is that" his mate said "hippy van" :lol:

the most annoying one ever was when i broke down on a very busy round about, i pushed it to the middle over 2 lanes, while my wife and 3 kids stood on the island, cars and lorry's flying past, then a mk5 golf did the finger/thumb aircooled sign as he flew past :x

the bloke across the road asked my when i was scrapping it, but i think he was joking

then 100.000 comments about it looking to low / broke etc 8)
Where's the surfboards a common one :roll: and I did have a well meaning neighbour remind me to put plenty of anti freeze in the other day.

My favourite though is the envious type who always comes out with " i'll give you £500 quid for it now" to which I always put my hand out and say give us it then. When they turn away with that uncomfortable smirk I just tell them not to make offers they cant back up. Pisses them right off.

Just hope I dont find some one with a pocket full of cash one day :oops:
My mates all say to me , Why ???

I say why the F**K not DICKHEAD :fyou:
dubscum said:
the man turned to me and said oh right one with a split in the windscreen ? i said no an early bay, he said not a real one then, then turned to his mrs to explain how mine wasn't a proper one :?

obviously been watching too much jamie!!!!

not had any comments as such..... but my ex's new fella....aint very keen on me....even though he doesnt know me....
anyway they cruise round in a T4 (hers)....and apparently he flicks the finger and gives the 5 hand shandy wave out the window at any aircooled bus they pass... just cos i own one..... complete tw@t!!!!
USA Santa said:
Knock at the door {at least 5 times now } "How much do you want for that old van?" :shock:
I can haul that off for you , if you want :evil:

Thinking of putting a "NOT FOR SALE" sign on it :lol:

A surfer who lives right at the beach here in town put up a sign saying " NO!!! is not for sale , don't even ask" :lol:
i kept getting the usual "its a rust bucket, why would you want it" (altho i do have bucket full of rust from it now belly pans an chassis are nearly done :mrgreen: )

but they always get out weighed by more people saying "i'd love one of them." :D
An old bloke asked me "Why have you done all that to it? You have destroyed it."
I was pretty much under whelmed but kept my (air) cool and replied
"Well at least it's not rusting away in a paddock now."
And as for "How do you manage speed humps?" I have run out of smart arsed replies and now just shrug my shoulders!

Also I get a lot of "You drove (insert anywhere you can think of) IN THAT????

My standard reply to that now is a deadpan "Yeah, and home again"

In Australia there is a lot of retired folk driving around the country and they call themselves "Grey Nomads". Whenever I have the bad luck get pinned in a corner and have to talk to one or more of them they cannot come to terms with how basic and rudimentary a VW van can be. How can I manage without inverters, flat screen, toilet, shower, microwave, and all the other crap I left behind at home?

I'll stick with my system thanks very much. Hahaha.

I've also had the Porsche engine fits straight in line more times than I care to remember.
I've also had 'a Porsche engine will drop straight in' which is funny :mrgreen:

The even funny thing is it did :shock: ......see my gallery photos