the bang bus

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ant said:
dubscum said:
i'm thinking about alloys, but i'm on a real tight budget :? whats your opinons please ?

no :)

I concur. The world would be plain dull without the colourful wheel adventures of Ashley Simnett! :lol:
Don't do it steelies of all colours are best :lol: p.s. you haven't tried each wheel a different colour yet... oooops what have i said :lol:
whitepaint.jpg" onclick=";return false;

61 stu said:
whitepaint.jpg" onclick=";return false;


Mate you gotta give it a go!!!!!! Im away till Wednesday im expecting :lol:

i think you need a special Rank Ash? any ideas?

i was think along the lines of "Ash, and his technicolor Rims" :lol:

cool cool cool 8)

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