The Dropped Dough Ball

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Sorted! Engine all done, new fuel lines on and filters, now for a cheeky drive to Somerset this arvo 8)

Gave her a good wash n wax at the weekend, then had a nice 2 hour drive and she ran like a dream! sat at 60-70 without a so much as a murmour so happy smile from me, I did get back though and found a couple of spots of oil around the fuel pump, (probably the diaphragm on its way out, i decided to change the oil pressure switch and fuel pump as well :mrgreen: nearly a blinking new engine now!, was close to bunging some 1641 barrels n pistons on but, luckily there werent any about :lol:

Gonna have a cheeky drive at the weekend to make sure all is rocking before i finaly tackle that rear carpet and change it for tiles or wood 8)

Busy busy bee!
easy said:
Gave her a good wash n wax at the weekend, then had a nice 2 hour drive and she ran like a dream! sat at 60-70 without a so much as a murmour so happy smile from me, I did get back though and found a couple of spots of oil around the fuel pump, (probably the diaphragm on its way out, i decided to change the oil pressure switch and fuel pump as well :mrgreen: nearly a blinking new engine now!, was close to bunging some 1641 barrels n pistons on but, luckily there werent any about :lol:

Gonna have a cheeky drive at the weekend to make sure all is rocking before i finaly tackle that rear carpet and change it for tiles or wood 8)

Busy busy bee!

Nice work Ez!

Rear carpet? Cork is what you need! ;)


Yup doing the rear carpet, ive been harking on about it for ages!

havent thought of cork though?! how would that work with cleaning/ water etc??? interesting as im a big cork fan! 8)
easy said:
Yup doing the rear carpet, ive been harking on about it for ages!

havent thought of cork though?! how would that work with cleaning/ water etc??? interesting as im a big cork fan! 8)


I love the cork, really nice colour, and goes well with the interior, i corked pretty much most of the insides! Figured it's a pretty fresh idea, and hadn't seen any other vans like this, and it's cheap, and very 70's!

The cork tiles are readilly available and cheap, i got mine from Wickes, as they had a offer on a little while ago. I laid them directly onto the westy hardboard with suitable adhesive after priming with pva glue on the hardboard. The wickes ones are finished in a semi gloss varnish, but i intend to sand them down, and refinish, maybe even use a gloss or a darker stain polyurethane varnish finish." onclick=";return false;

Once sealed, they would be watertight, and just need a wipe or sweep to keep clean. I have some bath type mats on the floor as you can see in the picture, but i am going to change these for something a little more 70's

Page 10 on my gallery thread below, but here's the gist :D







And finally, a little Instagram tweak...


Hope you like!


I do like 8) may have a nose at that, im thinking of some rose wood effect at the mo but cork does sound nice and warm to!
Had a new fuel pump and oil pressure switch fitted aswell yesterday! just to be sure. 8)

She runs n purrs like a dream now! :mrgreen:
easy said:
I do like 8) may have a nose at that, im thinking of some rose wood effect at the mo but cork does sound nice and warm to!

Nice one! I have some spare cork, so will experiment with some colours and stains when i get time.......


Took the bus out for a spin on Saturday and after not moving for a month, it was great for the old girl to start on the first turn of the key. Moments like that make all the ball ache and money spent worth while. :mrgreen: Fucking ace 8)
Finally had some time on the bus to sort out the Devon table i was given, I got the table for free :mrgreen: and it was uber filthy so after a good clean up i discivered that someone had already fitted it to the same table base that i had, so in it goes, fits in a treat and mounts nicely 8) many thanks for the great OG mounting edge strips from a couple of you lovely early bayers :mrgreen:

Getting there, with my slight take on a Devon interior ;)

Great trip over to the Gower this weekend after orginally considering North Devon but after seeing the horrific traffic went over the bridge and had a fantastic time. The bus behaved like a dream and had great cruise with me buddy.

So, another wedding done on Friday, awesome day and great cruising in the bus on such a roast day. :mrgreen:

Hope you likey 8)
Raising the front up an inch soon :shock:
aspro said:
You're going the wrong way easy. ;)

Believe me, i know :( needs must, i carry to much shit and have to many campsites i NEED to get in and being so low at the front is a pain. so im bringing it up a touch to level the ol girl off 8)
Airtime said:
Awesome as always, Easy! 8) Even with that extra inch. ;)

Cheers chap 8) its all about that extra inch ;)
Bus raised up 30mm at the front, now is about 10mm lower at the front and drives like a dream. (Hate to say it but best thing i have ever done! drives like a charm) pics to follow :mrgreen: 8)