vintage sign write my bus?!? should I or shouldnt I?!?

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thanks for the kind words guys....

its a scarey thing...going at your bus with a brush and a load of sign writing enamel.... especially when it takes so long....
anyway first whole day and got this done....



then went back the next day and the hands were a little less shakey and so got this done in couple of hours...




reckon its gonna look pretty good when its finished... just waiting for a tin of black to turn up so i can do the drop shadow, website and phone number.... then wait a while and sand it back for that faded look... hopefully in time for bristol show....!!!


Good skills Jon. Looks dam fine :mrgreen:
my work here is done! well for a few days anyway!!!

got right back in there and got the drop shadows and other text finished on one side on saturday... took a good 4-5 hours to sort it though!!! talk about back ache!!!




(and before you say anything...yes i know the black text goes very slightly downhill!!!)

then yesterday...cracked on and finished the other side....


so tis all done for a few days.... let it harden off and then fatugue it back.... eh voila!!

looking quality work fella! all ready for Bristol then ;)
Had a quick look at the new paint job today when i was out that way................looks very good fella. Definitly makes the bus stand out and shows off your arty skills. ;)
superb :D

can i just ask, when you trace it back on the bus how clear are the actual lines you need to follow, and do you rub them of with your arm accidently as you go?