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Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Woodbridge, Suffolk
Year of Your Van(s)
Van Type
Westfalia pop-top
So Early bayers, what got you into vee dubs? My story is simple, brought up around them 8) lol
I bought my bug as I like the shape and the sound of them. :)

I bought my EB as I wanted a more modern daily to abuse whilst I restore my bug. It is far more practical than the bug too - last week I fitted a single bed, double bed and a 3 piece suite in my EB without even removing the rear seat... never do that in the bug. :lol:
I remember when i first started noticing vw campers, all my mates and my brother were into fast fords at the time, i was the ripe old age of seventeen, had just passed my test and me and my mate were sat next to an early i(didnt know that at the time!) in a traffic jam, and i thought how cool would that be to have one of them, they look cool and it was the freedom thing for me that really sold it, i remember my mate saying what the hell do you want one of them for, the're slow as f$@k bloody ridiculous things :roll: ,(i suppose you get them or you dont) they werent cool then, but i new i was gonna get me one, and i did, it was a late bay though, i paid £350 quid for it and it was a dog!!!, a converted panel van homemade interior,electrical issues, but i bloody loved it, i gradually did it up and eventually sold it to someone from dads pub for a profit, and that was me hooked!!!! :D

ahhh..........sweet memories!!!!.........kev
Worked for a vw main dealer back in the early 90s just as i past my test then owned a few polos and scirrocos got in to T4s about 5 years ago which got me in to the camper thing then started going to shows and well got more hooked on aircooled stuff, i would not be with out an aircooled camper now, still got a t4 for work but the bay is where my heart really lies now :D
my fiance wanted a split, but i thought they were a bit overpriced and to small, i ( for some strange reason ) felt a late bay would be the way to go so after viewing several of each we went for the EARLY BAY, now doing a bug up and fancy a t4 for a daily / pos works van and a buggy to replace me motorbike ( sold 18 months ago!!)
The father in law was given our bay by 1 of his customers about 9 years ago, we wanted it then but decided the nephew could have it instead as it was 165 miles from where we live. Skip forward 7 years and the bay was i the same place as where it was when it was delivered to the nephew, the sister in law wanted it gone, i booked a trailer last jan and here we are now. Wouldn't be without it, the daughter loves it and wants to drive it when shes older (she turned 4 in May :lol: )
My first VW was a white Baja bug convertible I had in high school, I was dating my now wife back then and she loved to cruise around in it with her girlfriends, sold that, had a couple of water cooled VWs along the way and back in '05 my wife pointed to an earlybay bus they were using for advertising at the local surfshop and said her father used to have one like it and that she would love for us to get one :shock: bought one off ebay in Portland, flew over there to pick it up and drove all the way to San Diego, after that drive I was hooked. We now have 2 little ones and they both love riding in a bus.
So I guess I was always attracted to VWs but my wife got me into buses :D
Smoking funnily enough :lol: dad caught me smoking at the tender age of 15 and told me i wasnt speding my money on that crap. buy a motorbike or a car (think he was hoping for a bike :lol: ) and a few month later id saved enough to get to partental finance and buy a 73 bug :mrgreen: then he got hooked and now we have 8 vws :lol: :lol:
got to be the Herbie films 8) wanted a split but fell for a earlybay after years of looking ;)
New to the scene and always liked aircooled VW's but could never afford one in my younger years - was always into mini's/triumphs e.t.c. as they were relatively cheap - wasn't until my brother got a bus that I started getting very envious :evil: - sold my GT6 of the last 8 years within a few weeks and haven't looked back!

That and 3 kids meant I needed to get a more practical classic!
I fell in love with the shape when I was a kid delivering newspapers & always knew I wanted one.
Spent hours admiring them out the front of the houses I delivered to.......


It was only after I had been on the forum for 6 months that I realised something was amiss, was to embarrassed to admit joining the wrong forum so got this instead :oops:

Helping my old man lap valves in on a 1966 varient (square back) at the age of about 5 or 6 , and then they moved on to a camper when my sister was born, I also have 2 brother so it was the only vehicle they could get that was big enough for us all, and that we could go on holiday in.

Just wish he had,nt scrapped that square back!! I guess being able to see the road between your feet as you went along was just a bit too much :lol:
Used to be into classic Fords. Had loads of MK1 Escorts, how much do those things go for now!!!? :shock: .
Anyway, at some time in 2004 i MOT'd an Orange late Bay n killed it. Asked the customer if they wanted to sell, they said no (glad realy as id still be welding it now :mrgreen: ).Told the missus and that was that, went on a megga hunt for a bay and baught one local for 500 quid. It was rusty and needed continual work to keep it from falling apart between MOT's. Shortly later i got my missus a Beetle for my better halfs birthday. Last year i sold my rustybus (and with a bit if inherritance :( ) and baught my pride and joy that i own now.
Also,still have the Beetle which i have comandeard as my daly :mrgreen:

well my earliest memory is of me and my sis, in Falenbostal, using my old mans 67 bug as a slide :lol:

white with red leatherette interior 8) until he torched it in a rage (long story)

love the engine love the design in my youth I preferd the 1303s then owned one then moved onto a 74 westy grew up around my old mans cars and the garage loved moggies minis and dubs oh and bikes throughout it all....
I used to help a few mates and their big bros with stuff on their bays when i was about 13 / 14 years old and wanted a VW ever since 8)
I'm not quite sure why I fell in love with VW's, All I know is that I have always wanted one, I must have been about 8 when i first started liking them, its just gotten worse over the years, my first bug was a Tamia Monster Beetle (I still have it) I think its safe to say my life revolves around VW's, I have 3 VW magazine subscriptions, A VW of some discritption in every room in the house, more VW books than i can think of, I first met my now wife while driving my bug, and brought both of my children home from hospital in a bug (newbie) so i think its safe to say VW's will always be a part of my life!
Same as Westy Richardson, I was brought up around them.

My folks hired a brand new Dormy c1969/70 for a day out (Bristol Zoo). I was only 3 or 4 at the time, but I clearly remember the interior, hence me being able to remind my dad, many years later, which conversion it was! I remember he collected the bus the night before, and I was so excited that night, knowing we were off the next day in it, I hardly slept!
Anyway, my folks obviously loved that bus too, and they ended up buying a brand new Danbury in 1972. We had the bus for nearly 17 happy years. :D
Dubs were definitely in the blood, from a very early age!

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