Recent content by greggholmes

Early Bay Forum

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  1. G

    Connecting rods??????

    you have to watch the weight of the rod if you get a single. the weight can very up to 100 grams either way.
  2. G

    American indicator bulbs

    hmmmmmmmm :msn4:
  3. G

    Help with removing speedo needle

    i had to repair a speedo on a 49 chevy and found the hand of a clock from a hobby store fit perfect.
  4. G

    American indicator bulbs

    google this 1157a lamp bulbs
  5. G

    Full flow oil / Drilling and tap case? Anyone help/How to?

    Thats cool. Nate's about 45 minutes north of me :msn4:
  6. G

    It's that time of year again

    Midnight Repairs He came down the back drive just before midnight on Christmas Eve. I was out in the shop, about to call it a night when I heard the unmistakable sound of a Volkswagen running on three cylinders. Bad valve. It was an early model high-roof delivery van. Bright red with white...
  7. G

    Anyone ever used the Jon Muir method to decoke their engine?

    the only thing the Muir book is good for is a door stop read this 'for all the newbies out there, John Muir was an obvious admirer of Henry Ford and, based on his book, far more familiar with early Fords than Volkswagens, citing...
  8. G

    advice on typ4 engine

    there is not one piece of a type 4 engine that will fit on a type 1. Maybe some screws and bolts maybe..
  9. G

    Engine advice needed......

    read this.........
  10. G

    Heating? Whats best?
  11. G

    356 Wheels
  12. G

    Got the urge to build a 1776 - Your thoughts please!

    have fun and do it right "When you subtract the POS Probability Factor from the engine building equation you automatically end up with a better engine. How much better? On average, about twice as good. Yeah, I know... nobody else believes it either. Except for the guys who have done it. " Bob...
  13. G

    What size Bolts?

    an oil cooler is the sign of an improperly built engine, period :evil: [email protected] - 26 Jun 2005 06:09 GMT > What of using aluminum, nickelsil plated cylinders, better heads and a > full-flow oil system? Won't that bring about better cooling and performance...
  14. G

    Engine Seized?????? HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    that's the distributor drive gear not the speedo drive
  15. G

    bolt on and go faster barrels and pistons - advice please

    for reliability stay with the 1600 and balance balance balance. you can gain up to 10%-25% increase by balancing everything. and i mean everything. here is a link to read Remember the 1600 is just a bored out 1300