1776 - will it ever happen?

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Pete B

Well-known member
May 3, 2008
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Not in, but 9 miles north of Peterborough
Year of Your Van(s)
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So, my trusty 1600 single port has done sterling service, got us to 2 EBIs, 3 Ninoves, 4 Brighton Breezes, 1 Spa and loads of other shows too numerous to mention. Still running great albeit with a fairly bad oil leak (think it's the plug in the case behind the flywheel) but after having bought an almost complete engine soon after getting the bus, thought it was about time to sort that out before the old one does give up. Also looking at a 2 week trip over the channel this summer, taking in Le Bug Show again at Spa so would be nice to have a fresh, sorted engine for that.
I have got a set of nearly new 90.5 barrels and pistons along with heads machined to suit sat waiting, hoping that the used engine I bought can donate the major components needed for the rebuild. Not got much cash to spend, so fingers crossed!!!

Had to make a some space in the garage. Took all morning but at least the bench is visible again.


Engine had been sat under a sheet in the corner for about 4 years, and about 2 years before I got it. Dragged out and ready for dismantling.


Clutch just needs a clean up, F&S too! Result!



Slowly coming apart. Drill is for splitting seized/rounded exhaust nuts.


Both heat exchangers are now shot. Bugger.


Looking very black and manky, treacle draining into bowl!


Has been re-conned by Vege in the past, not a good omen.



no.2 piston then no.1 Good job I've got new ones....



Nice. Hope they clean up ok and are not cracked, always good to have spares.



Doorstop anyone?


Top end on bench. Left side of engine (no.s 3 & 4) not too bad, can still see cross hatching on the bores. And no rust.


Would have been wise to loosen the flywheel bolt at the start. Schoolboy error, it's been a while since I stripped one of these! Oh well, try the angle iron route or pop down the garage and use the windy gun. And their 2 leg puller for the other end.


Will continue when it comes to splitting the case, looks mighty unpleasant in there!!!!
Nice thread :D doing the same this winter :D just bought a spare engine, with the intention of rebuilding 1776, with twins, do you have to machine the case to go 1776?

68_early_bay said:
do you have to machine the case to go 1776? Shaun

Heads and case need machining to take the larger diameter barrels. Just how much I don't know, will have to measure the standard and 'new' parts to work it out. As far as I know, that is all the machining needed for the capacity increase, setting deck height and combustion chamber volume could involve more work but obviously that applies regardless of cc's.

Don't know who to get to machine the case yet, the two local prime suspects from 'back in the day' are no longer around. I'll ask down at the garage, the lads there should know. Looking forward to splitting the case and seeing what has been done when it was re-conned previously.
Fingers crossed ;)
can you come and find my bench,i know i had one :msn4: when you strip it first thing to check is the bearing dowels and see if the bearings have been moving in the case.if thats ok and its not been line bored to max the should be fine 8) break out the jizer ;)
Pete - I have a torquemeister tool if you want to borrow it - makes taking the flywheel off and a breeze...have locking tool and pullers too...more than welcome to borrow them fella.

I also have dial gauge when you get that far.....and an engine stand for that matter!! :lol:

I found TES good, same story though where-ever you go ...some will say excellent some will say rubbish! I couldn't find anyone local, and the last engine I built needed an align bore and cut on the thrust, plus full flow!

I'm off on Tues [tomorrow] - so can drop round. I'm in no hurry for them back unless my engine pops or the flywheel leak gets any worse....

Nice one Dave :) Yep, will be doing as you suggest, fingers crossed for the case, the most expensive component and perhaps the most crucial?
Thanks for the kind comments and interest, hopefully that interest will keep me going so as not to end up with just a bench of knackered engine parts :)
Cheers Darren, would be well tempted to take you up on that kind offer but I am unlikely to be home before 7pm which is getting a bit late for me to come to you (bearing in mind I leave at 6.15am) and taking the piss for you to come to my place. Am sure I can liberate a length of angle or box to counter the seriously long socket/bar on the flywheel. Have a lock bolted to the case but want to fix to the flywheel as well with a long bar to counter the long bar undoing the flywheel bolt. If I can't get it sorted in the next day or so will give you a shout mate. Thanks very much :D

Home 'tinternet stopped working, was doing it via i-phone now back on home thingy, what a ball ache!!!!
Pete I have to do some errands tonight anyway - dropping a laptop off to a work colleague - so no problem to drop off. Then going to B&Q to grab some diy supplies...

it's an 11mm spanner and 2mins...seriously you need to borrow this tool!

I'll be around today if you do change your mind!


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