well managed an afternoon in the garage today and got a few more things knocked off the list - its getting shorter
did more tweaking on the n/s rear corner beltline, put some masknig tape in a straight line to see how low the line i had was, and its only in one area that it needs raising
put a tiny amonunt of filler in the area needed then removed the masking tape and rubbed back, then put a bit of stopper on there and now its a lot better, best ill get it anyways. if i have to later down the line i might take it to a bodyshop and get them to get it as near as original but for now its the best i can do, which is good enough for me
then wet flatted back with 240/400 and this is the corner ready for the final coats of primer
also managed to wetflat back the top area of the front panel, still a bit to do on the lower area and down the apost edges as crap pic i sneezed lol, bloody dust
i also got a early earlly early christmas present hehe - my aposts arrived, and theres a lot more metal than i asked for, and in great nick so well happy, can finally remove the crap attempts i made
so my next few days will be more bodywork and getting these aposts replaced