69 'Old Blue' Microbus

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you know i gave my van a blowover when it arrived in the uk, but stuck with the original trim, dings nicks and all. i like it that way

can you get new trim in the alloy finish, or can you just get the shiny shiny stuff?

Justin at CC has some alloy trim he showed me, looks to be very good quality and also fits ok. The shiny chrome stuff is nice but I'm happy with the brushed alloy which will set the Brilliant blue off well. :D
Well had a pop at my troublesome sender unit today. Having taken it to bits I set about cleaning it up. Gave the piano wires a good clean with carb cleaner to remove the varnish deposits, and also the contacts on the float that runs up and down on them. I gave the rod the float runs on a good clean too as it was a little corroded where it had stood for so long. And I noticed the brass tag the feed wire attaches to was loose on the brass rivet, so brushed them up and dropped a blob of solder on them to tighten them up.
Wacked it all back in a the gauge sprung into life again! :D
Early days, but the reading of just over half a tank is about right I'd say. I took it out for a spin and it is nice and stable and seems to be doing the right things. Brake hard and it moves up a tad, going up hills it is dropping back a tad and in both cases it returns quickly to its original position.
As I say though early days and lets see how it preforms as it hopefully goes down the scale. If it makes it to below the reserve line without running out of petrol then thats good enough ;)
I've also done a tempory fix on my front sceen and applied a drop od translucent silicone sealer round the rubber to stave off the couple of dripd coming in on floorpans. When it cured I'll stick a hose on it and see if its worked or not. At least it keeps the wet stuff out till I pop the glass out and replace the seal.
Nothing more to report other than I now have an excuse to take it to work for testing next week!! :lol:
Oh, and I forgot to mention that by using the bus the brakes are getting better all the time :D Only thought about this today. The brakes were overhauled in the States and the bus only travelled on a freeway from the workshop to Seattle, so therefore no real chance for the new shoes and skimmed drums to bed in.
Well today is a very special day. 41 years ago my bus rolled off the production line on the 18th October 1968! :D
Of course, cake and jelly all round!! :lol:

Think I'll treat her to a new fuel sender for her birthday as the old one gave it up again. Then theres those overiders and deluxe bumper trims ;)
Not much to report but nailed my dash cluster issues, so no more dislodged glass. Also fitted a Wolfsburg cigar lighter for my sat-nav and the push button for the washer motor.

And had a trial run with my new rear bumper (thanks i-bus ;) ) just to make me feel better.
Nice sunny day so ripped the seats out and set about cleaning all the cargo floor, came up very well :D

Well that was good timing! After a week of dry weather I took the bus into work yesterday and threw her up on the swinging arm ramp. Brushed off, cleaned up all the underside, resealed, re-coated, and then waxed to within an inch of her life. Today the weather is cr*p and its slaughtering down with rain, so a good job done :D
When I get a dry day this week I'll fetch her in again to wax all the internals.

I took some pics but they came out a bit rubbish so I'll have another go another day.
Thanks Dubscum ;) funny thing, but I absolutely love this bus and i'm very excited about it :D more so than my old cali bus which Hoosier now has. Don't know why, just do.
I have had a good look at Rich's bus and how it sits now and think I am going to go the same way. One spline down at the back and 3" at the front on CE beam adjusters. Not much but just enough for me.
A couple of pic, got to say it looks a lot better in the flesh :roll: The haze is where I misted the whole lot over with wax and made sure all the nooks, cranny's and seams were saturated with it as well as the chassis internals. As it was still a little tacky it picked up some bits on the way home, but they now just wipe off. I've not gone for pretty but practical as I intend to be using it in all weathers.
One things for sure the water aint getting in ;)

Pleased with this :) a period roof rack from a guy on vzi who had it on his split. £40 rubs was a bargian I think with new slats supplied, and overall in good nick too.
Needs to be prepped up and painted in cloud white same as roof when I get round to it :roll:
The ongoing sender saga was resolved with a new one in the end. Works spot on now and comes right down to the reserve line without running out. Sorted :)


Thanks Retro ;)
well pleased with rack and bus :)
Just need some overiders and then I have all I need to get the bumpers, roof, rack and spare wheel painted. When thats done I can set about the bottom half.

I have been trying to make an original looking 'dog gaurd' to drop between the front seats to stop our 20 month old retriever from getting under the gear lever! :shock:
Not finished yet but looks ok so far using some old seat material. Does the trick.
Looking good mate. Must apollogise as i havnt posted on this thread before and you have kept on top of my threads about your old bus :oops: .
Was looking good when i saw it at BB and im glad you got there n home ok.
Sweet Bus you have there, Cant wait to see it next year when you have worked your magic on it.
I think they all need a good coat of wax, underseal etc to protect them from our crap weather over here. Over riders next is it? You know who you are dont you :mrgreen: .

Rich 8)
Well most girls like a large one so I'm told, but my missus was a little taken back with the arrival and erection of the framework of my new 'bus shelter' at the front of the house :shock:

Must say even I was left muttering 'its huge' But I'm chuffed with it from a blokes perspective ;)

I have all but convinced the other half that this was not just an impulse buy and will serve a number of purposes, firstly to keep the elements off the bus this winter, but also handy in the summer when shifted into the back garden.

I'll get some pics up on the weekend.

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