Anthracite BRM's

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2008
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Morning guys.....annoying when kids get up at THE CRACK OF DAWN on a Sunday huh? :? Still, gives me chance to mooch 'round on here for a bit.

I"m going to buy some wheels in the next week or so and i'm tempted with some Anthracite BRM's. Has anyone got a pic of these fitted to a van? This wheel dilemma is ridiculous - decisions huh?

Suggestions are always welcome - this is what my van looks like...


I am not a lover of stock wheels on a lowered bus, but yours look 100% at home on there.

I know how much work you have put into that van too, It looks great how it is now.

BRM's would look as good, it depends if you are changing just for the sake of it. 5x112 BRM's look a bit strange on they eye, so worth considering that.

Flip a coin & go with the result...
Hey Pete....yours is looking sweet on your website now...nicer inside than most houses!

I might have a look at Anthracite Gasburners too, the black ones look good on yours
I would keep it on standard rims, looks sweet like that.

I think that the gasburner have quite a horrible offset , something like et12, whereas stock rims are et38 (ish)
They are already sold... ;)


I have fitted a 4" narrow beam this week end as the wheels were right on the edge. I dunno what it will look like with the Fuchs, hopefully not too narrow. I have 18mm & 25mm adaptors, I will run the 25's on the front. The burners were a nightmare to fit with flat rear arches, yours will be fine with the later flares.

Is your front beam stock width?
No No No No No.......van looks superb just the way it is ....after some domes for mine and a lowering job when I have the dosh.
I might just put the money into the van elsewhere...

MInd you, there are a set of 16" Fuch on Volkszone at the moment :roll: Might be a logistical nightmare though (more than likely)

Pete: My beam is standard. I COULD spend the wheel money on a narrowed beam....? Fancy doing that? Sounds like a project for you. Also, I have the flat rear arches too, so i'd have the same trouble with Gas Burners you had...
Here is a question. Is the overall wheel size the same on a 15 inch wheel with 195 / 50 / 15's as a 14 inch wheel with 195 / 65 / 14's?
:oops: :?:
If you keep those wheels, you don't really need a narrow beam. The bus looks great as it is.

I am not fitting another beam to a van, they are too heavy! I really struggled to fit mine on my own, it was a tight fit & needed some buggering about.

The number of hours spent in labour was rude! I am glad I wasn't paying...

Spend the money on petrol & drive it!
Don't be so gay :mrgreen:

Talking of labour, I need you to sort this stereo install soon. After Volksworld now I guess. If I see you at the show we can talk about it. I'm not talking Pimp my Ride subs etc, just something cool.
Weighing it up, i'm going to stick with the steels. Maybe steels are the new alloys? Cheers for the comments people ;)

I need to invest money on my interior / trimming or there is no chance 'er indoors will want to go away camping.
jacksoncaddy said:
Weighing it up, i'm going to stick with the steels. Maybe steels are the new alloys? Cheers for the comments people ;)

You deffo made the right choice 8)
jacksoncaddy said:
Weighing it up, i'm going to stick with the steels. Maybe steels are the new alloys? Cheers for the comments people ;)

I need to invest money on my interior / trimming or there is no chance 'er indoors will want to go away camping.

Steels are the best wheels for your bay 8) everybody does the brm etc route, stock wheels nicely painted rule :mrgreen:
Does anyone know much about beauty rings? I thought about getting some, but them I have balancing weights on the rim of the wheels......? How does that work then?

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