So, got the linkpin bushes pressed in at my mates hydraulic shop using his 50 tonne press. Turns out he's got various lathes and milling machines as well, Result.
He may be seeing me more often than he bargained for
Got some time today to install the spindles, build up the brakes and check the fitment of various bits and bobs.........
Good news is everything more or less fits. Main jobs being to extend the brake pushrod 2 cm, fab and install brackets for steering damper and steering stops and a bit of minor clearancing here and there. The original brake backing plates need modifying to fit the new spindles and calipers but I've decided to buy new backing plates and save the original ones incase I need them again in the future. Luckily, all the new backing plates you can buy are Brazilian and should therefore be a perfect fit!
The biggest problem I found today is that the standard inner wheel bearing hub seal does not fit the brazilian spindles. They have the spacer built in to the spindle and it is only 45mm diameter instead of the usual 50mm. I couldn't find anything online today. Can anyone out there point me in the right direction or tell me what seal fits? It needs to be 65mm OD and 45mm ID.
After an afternoon on my back, it was time to break out the shiny bits and see how we were looking.....
Hopefully, tyres tomorrow if I can find what I want on the island. If not, it will have to be mail order and bit of a delay